
I’m in agreement that Babs isn’t probably going to enter the pantheon of all-time great Snatch Games, and shone largely by contrast to shitshow surrounding her. But bondage bunny stood out, again - in no small part because of contrast to the mediocrity on display.

I personally love Gia’s shit-stirring and will miss it because it seems so authentic coming from her.

Same here; I am living for that crazy bitch right right now... She’s killing it with all the melodramatic, meme~able reactions, yet still being true to herself.

It’s not just you, her side chick anthem the weekend is okay until you listen to what she’s actually saying, and I think that’s the case for most of her music.

Her Aaliyah looked like a last minute, throw-together Halloween costume. The pants were ill-fitting (and with heels? girl...) and the wig was tragic. The bikini top didn’t even fit right. I noticed her adjusting it throughout the performance. Valentina’s reaction said it all.

Gert and Chase are great because both the actors and the characters can be really funny. Nico is always pretty stern and miserable, and Karolina is a blank space.

Hmmm. Well, it depends on what challenge Latrice or Manila wins first, because no doubt the one who doesn’t win will be in the bottom, and the other will win the lip-sync.

During our viewing, I’d had it pinned to - if Farrah was the only one struggling, that’s definitely on her. If Monet and Naomi also had issues, that points the blame directly at Monique’s leadership.

I’m deeply concerned for Manila.

I will say this - I was about as open to this movie as any comic book film in years and most of the time I can accept just about anything on screen. But this was just too much of a mess. I mean, they even botched showing Aquaman’s powers. Isn’t he like SUPER strong ? I’m pretty sure Orm can’t lift a submarine out of

Yes, I thought how they handled Black Manta was a lesson super hero movies learned after almost 2o years. Just let the story flow, his B storyline and origin worked very well and was actually more fluid than many other parts of the movie. I’ve never seen “How to Train Your Dragon 2" but lots of people keep referring

The end movie fight scene was amazing but the rest were so-so. The above ground were just awful. I don’t know what it is about the DC action films where everyone has to fight the same way, leg sweeps, sliding across the floor, getting pushed back in dramatic stances. No one fights like these people would actually

THAT’S the way to come back for All-Stars. Just show up as a guest star, give some witty talking head, then go back to your hotel and get a pedicure.

This season seems like at least the first five out are horrifically predictable

TBH, in the originals, it was the gorillas and orangutans who were the bad guys (militant hunters and religious zealots).  The chimps were the good guys.  No bonobos, but I like to think that, it being the 60s, they were off in a commune somewhere having... a good bonobo time.

It can be fun and underwhelming though. Especially if the action isn’t in a beat where it’s deserved and narratively makes sense(like at a peak of action/tension).

It’s probably a lot of expectations though. A lot of people are going into these movies wanting them to be good, rather than taking what they can get.

No matter what you say, you will never convince me they didn’t steal that scene from How To Train Your Dragon 2.

Planet of the Apes too, the new ones, it’s the apes who are sympathetic, or at least most of the apes.  But I let that slide because the originals were definitely pro-human. 

If you’re somehow that strange 2% of the population that just loves Aquaman and have been waiting for this movie since he and Aqualad were riding seahorses in the ’60s, you won’t get everything you wanted but you won’t feel like you wasted 20 clams when you see the movie either.