
I think the problem is that they executed it so ineptly, and then they blamed people for pointing out that it was done so badly. If I say, “Hey, this comic really made me feel like you wanted me to root for the Nazis,” your response should not be, “Shut up and keep buying, fanboy. By the time it’s all over, you’ll

Not sure who this image is directed at, the horrible writing or the people incredibly upset at a plot twist which, given good writing, would be incredibly upsetting.

Congratulations sir, you continue to not get the point of why people were mad entirely. No, really, I commend you on that.

That really is the crux of it. Its just bad storytelling at this point. Its like Marvel consistently runs out of ways of how to tell interesting stories with Steve Rogers.

The fact that this happens all the time has nothing to do with it just being terrible, IMO. Seriously, we all called it. And we all know it will get undone in the end. The least Spencer could do is make it feel worthwhile. But for some people, it’s just... not. Especially when in the last decade we had Brubaker’s

I remember when knowing such blisteringly esoteric factoids like ‘Comic book twists are usually bullshit’ made me feel special too.

You just hang on to that feeling, buddy.

I could be wrong, but apparently just dropping classified intel in the middle of a conversation is completely within the confines of the law. From what I understand, the idea is to allow the President to take action for the interest of national security without being hindered by a lengthy process. Of course, this is

Came here to say this. Dark Matter has done much more storytelling within their limited budgets/background sets

Haaah, Pence, oh yeah does HE give off the Holy Joe vibes like his shit don’t stink. He’s like the opposite side of the Rotten Christian coin from this beach-bum, here, but they are both Rotten Christians.

It’s just like pedophile priests. These are NOT people who believe in God, because part of belief in God tends to be fear of eternal repercussions from your behavior. Or at the very least, karmic payback.

It’s like you were part of the conversation my husband and I had at the end of the first season of both. Wholeheartedly agree.

For real— all that “Muh Christianity”, waving the cross around like a flag, does NOT convince me that these fuckers believe a word of what they’re shovelling. This charmer on the beach, f’rinstance, uhhh.... yeahhh, bro, real “Christian” of you to get drugged up, sexually harass women, terrorize families, grab your

And it’s amazing to me, because you will NEVER convince me that men like Trump, Paul Ryan and the like even believe in God. They pretend to, because they know it’s what greases the wheels. But they think people who really believe are total suckers. They think they are the Gods that walk among regular men.

Like that twat in the supermarket who said “We don’t have a Muslim in the White House anymore, he’s gone”...? It’s like they expect the White Knight Trump to come barging in on his white horse to push these awful nonwhite people out of America’s supermarkets and beaches and restaurants and streets and taxicabs

Pretty much.

I found it creepy and hypercritical in both the movie and the show.

Sam was the absolute worst - a self-centered mixed girl in activist costume -and Reggie was the hypocritical hotep thirsting to drink her bath water. Gabe was your typical entitled “nice guy.”

Really going to have to push through then, the way the characters act in Dark Matter in the first season kind of annoy me but I can see they’re building to a payoff.

I agree with both of you. Sam and Gabe got my scorn because they wouldn’t just fucking talk to each other. Fucking communicate, you assholes.

It totally makes sense in the scope of the movie but the show just makes Reggie look extra creepy.