
Just like the Jack Johnson pardon that Trump only did because he was personally asked to do so by Sylvester Stallone (and I think Mike Tyson made the request too), it is a guarantee that Alice Marie Johnson will be getting her pardon too because the most consistent thing about Donald Trump (besides his ignorance and

The reason I have never liked the All in the Family/Archie Bunker comparison is that Carrol O’Connor was as bleeding heart a lefty liberal as you could find so it was believable that he was playing a character whose ignorance and prejudices were ultimately the butt of the joke. If Carroll O’Connor was an even worse

Either you dont know what you’re talking about or are bitter about some aspect of the race results. There was plenty of framing this race as a proxy for Bernie vs Hillary among national Democrats and donors.

I have never liked Stallone, Lewis or Wilder so all of my unfavorable opinions of them are solidified by their going to this dog and pony photo op with that racist rotting pumpkin.

You can see the difference when you watch a show like Queen Sugar and all the black people are lit so beautifully and then you go to a show on one of the networks that features a lot of black/brown cast members and notice that they look a little washed out on camera.

It was a pretty reasonable strategic move to make because the sad fact of the matter is that a lot of people who claim to be make-up artists can only do white make-up. You sit someone with a skin tone that is darker than an envelope in their make-up chair and you have a high chance of that poor person getting a really

Yes...yes we are.

I’m kind of over Vanjie at this point? Rupaul’s use of it felt forced and not natural. (Yes, I can understand the weird hypocrisy of wanting sincerity in my drag show, but not insincerity masquerading sincerity (without the extra meta wink).)

I really enjoyed this episode a lot more than I thought I would just because the idea of social media “stars” made me want to not even watch. But the annoyance factor was a lot lower than i thought it would be and some of the social media guys were even enjoyable to watch.

They looked like they were all wearing too small panties underneath the underwear.

Lip syncs are not gymnastics performances.

I would agree with you about the Kameron stuff in this week’s Untucked if that was all there was to it but they weren’t going at Kameron for being bummed that she might be in the bottom two this week, they were going at her for being all “woe is me” throughout the entire competition even when she does well. Honestly

I may be in the minority on this one (and make no mistake I enjoyed the hell out of this LSFYL) but I thought Eureka won it hands down. Kameron wasn’t bad, I’d say she even did a good job but Eureka killed it and I honestly didn’t even pay much attention to kameron on the first viewing. I had to rewatch the battle

I can’t decide what is a more pathetic indicator of how tragic this Hotep’s life is: the stretched out collar on that old ass t-shirt or the sad Raiders flag hanging all alone on those stark white walls in the den of his mom’s 2 Bedroom+Den apartment.

Then what is the point of you even engaging in discussions on politics? Because if no one is worth a damn then you don’t really have much to say other than to constantly repeat how worthless the entirety of our elected officials are.

Any group that considers Maxine Waters to be the most corrupt member of Congress is not legitimate at all. I am not saying she is squeaky clean but I doubt she would even make it to the top 50 of most corrupt members of Congress.

It doesn’t take much to look up her bullshit salary she paid her daughter to mail flyers. 750k of taxpayer money.

I had never seen Cher dance with the Jackson 5 so I pulled up the clip. I can see some of the things that the Vixen was trying to do, but when you watch it, RuPaul is right — Cher is still Cher and she moves her arms in particular in very specific ways.

I haven’t mentioned Eureka yet. She continues to frustrate me. She reminds me a lot of Shangela: clear talent, commands a room, great inherent performance skills without needing a lot of prep. Like Shangela, there are things she is definitely not good at, and rather than working through it gracefully she comes up