
That ill-tempered dimwitted ghoul seemed pleased with the bill just yesterday though:

If Cracker starts doing similar make-up just to fuck with Aquaria this season then it would make me a Miz Cracker fan for life.

I agree, that outfit was a mess.

8) LSFYL: I’m always worried for a queen who starts out as high-energy as Kalorie, but she managed to keep the energy from collapsing over the course of the song. Vanessa seemed like she had difficulty finding a connection to the song, which was odd considering how highly she spoke of her Xtina fangirling. I’m

I really like Cracker so I am hoping that she doesn’t get too much in her own head as the comp goes on.

- Aquaria: Girl you’re 21 and Cracker is 33. I’m sure she didn’t steal your success. Calm the eff down.

She’s shown that she has no clue how to contour her make-up to camouflage that manly jaw line at all...cue rattlesnake sound.

I was shocked to find myself liking all of the Season 10 queens except for Kalorie K. Williams and Kameron Michaels who just did nothing for me at all, in or out of drag. Kameron is a nice looking guy as a boy but he benefits greatly from the wonders of Instagram filters because in HD on a 65" TV screen he was just

Being mediocre doesn’t preclude one from also feeling for the homeless.

Joe Biden is mediocre as hell.

Man, The 2020 presidential race is going to be non-stop mediocre old white men on overload.

That type of self-harm require intense therapy.

I like to think that there is a line I won’t cross regardless of how much money gets thrown at me and willingly making the beast with two backs to a freshly liposuctioned, man-girdle wearing Don Jr circa 2012 is a line no one with any pride should ever cross.

I would recommend against clicking it.

She really did. And she and Dawn’s voices really paired well.

Now playing

She wrote a song about him! I felt bad for whatever issues caused her to do such horrid things to her face but knowing she was sprung on a chinless doughy douchebag like Donald Trump Jr just makes me feel so much worse for her.

the only memorable member of Danity Kane not named D. Woods.

The amount of angry “Why won’t she just go away?” posts in these comments cracks me up. Sure, folks, misogyny had nothing to do with the 2016 election at all.

I think the reason I am enjoying Drag Race Thailand so much is that the show seems laser focused on queens delivering looks and so far I have only seen design focused maxi-challenges. So I am hoping Season 10 goes more that route and less on the acting challenges.

I thought Thorgy was going for 1990s era Queen Latifah