And just to rub it in, Team Canada celebrated both of their goals in a manner consistent with the stated values of not rubbing it in against an overmatched opponent.
And just to rub it in, Team Canada celebrated both of their goals in a manner consistent with the stated values of not rubbing it in against an overmatched opponent.
The whole USMNT program right now:
Dos a cero > Two, eh, zero
Just a slight correction on the text, but I assume it was supposed to the brother of U.S. Soccer’s COO, not the other way around? I normally don’t bother which such small errors, but that one really stopped for a while before I understood what it was trying to say.
Can’t argue with his Kanter argument against LeBron’s hypocrisy.
I’m “genuinely asking” why you answered a “genuinely” “asked” question by “genuinely asking” another question.
Further perpetuation of the drug war is just silly. Criminalization of suppliers will do nothing more that pack prisons with people who need medical help, not punishment.
He should be in prison for what exactly? Buying drugs illegally? So we can just skip over the apparent mental/physical illness it seems Skaggs had? We all need help and need to destigmatize that getting it isn't a flaw.
C'mon. This guy was a gopher. Both addicts, just happened that the famous one died
Georgie Fame and the Blue Flames - Yeah Yeah
Effing Monday.
PROGRAM - Memory
The beautiful vocals of Courtney Kaiser of KaiserCartel.
The most strongest Kinja +1
Since this is obviously a made up story, in order to make it easier for everyone else to separate fact from fiction here, I’ve taken the liberty of going through the entire article and highlighting the things that are obviously make believe so readers coming after me can focus on the aspects of the article that may be…
“I’m saying Daryl Morey had an obligation/to think about the Huston Rockets organization/ and about the National Basketball Association.”
Why does Stephen Smith sound like a guy trying to sling his mixtape at a gas station at 4 am?