
Black people got pepper sprayed for trying TO vote. And yet here we are...

It is worth the fight to get every likely Dem vote counted, as Repugnant Party fuckery can certainly result in some of the tally getting invalidated. Not to try to go Churchill on this, but we’ve must fight this everywhere, and even should we be rolled back we must carry on the struggle until true Americans and

I live in NC. This is completely accurate right down to the footnotes.

They traded the fire hoses and dogs for pepper spray and rubber bullets. As it was true back then and will be proven true once again, the police of the United States are on the wrong side of history.

Whooo boy! The greys never disappoint.

Cowards fear the voice of the people because they fear that it speaks against them. Their actions further the people speaking against them, so they clamp down even tighter. They fear America in all its many walks of life, so they gas children to feel like they are big men and hide behind restrictive rules they

Ray Lewis, Jim Brown and how many others have shamed themselves and the millions of men & women that fought and died for them. I mean there are so many jokes to make about Wayne it ain’t funny. He read the platinum plan but the contract Baby made him sign? What excuse does Cube have? For real he came up in the era

Couldn’t have said it better myself. What the actual fuck, Weezy?

Cube didn’t seem like such an oddity (disappointing as it was)... but Weezy?

Love your articles Damon but this message is all over the place. Sure yes many black men want to really be white men such as Isaiah washington. But lil Wayne isn’t one of them. He’s done all sorts of drugs and made all sorts of bad decisions throughout his life. But he’s successful because he’s an opportunist. Just

I think a lot of us have a soft spot for Lil Wayne, but doing this days before the election? I got nothing.

New one: he just doesn’t want to be successful.

 “He tells it like it is!”, “What he really meant to say was..." 

Wow another brilliant comment from another member of “The Born on Third base and swears that he hit a triple club.” If this useless piss flap had to actually survive in this country on his own merits he would be dead by now. I guess us black folks need to  have daddy write Harvard a check so we too can be pretentious,

Needs to be mentioned that Kushner prefaced this by stating a productive policy meeting with Ice Cube inspired this. Bad week for Ice Cube.

I love how it’s always “you are taking it out of context!” when everybody saw the whole damn thing live.  It’s not like this is a Trump campaign add that cuts up people’s quotes to make them look like they support him.

I can see how a woman who welcomes their father publicly fetishizing and lusting for them would marry Jared.

a man who has no Black friends but once caught half an episode of Good Times

Psychopaths always find a way to blame the victim and simultaneously be one.

Fuck Jared and his beard. Fuck all of em...including fake Melania lol