“Let’s enslave and harm others bc that’s what my great grand dad got to do 150 years ago.”
“Let’s enslave and harm others bc that’s what my great grand dad got to do 150 years ago.”
It’s not ignorance, it’s indoctrination; they’re a cult.
Conservatism, especially the modern variant, is a dead fucking end. Socially, economically, spiritually, mentally, name it.
Let’s drop the term “conservative”. This ideology is not about the size of government, it’s role, foreign policy, abortion, the rule of law or the deficit. It’s serves one client, the white supremacist oligarchy. And their judicial philosophy is: because we can.
1. Imagine getting a job interview where you actively refused to answer any questions, bc you know you had the votes.
I mean, it’s not like he was paying attention to the briefing before he did this, right?
Yet, it will not matter to his supporters. They will see it and spin it to their view. That is what happens when you lack intelligence (look at the greys, especially the fake lizardo). You cannot think for yourself nor draw conclusions based upon facts. You simply twist the information until it fits your narrative. It…
amongst MEN it’s SPLIT at 43% each side
White people lose their minds over the stupidest shit. All the actual injustices in the world, and the thing that inspires violent kidnapping plots is being asked to take the most basic of precautions during a global pandemic.
The oxycotin makers would agree/disagree with you?
White people are bored. All that superiority gives them nothing to do I guess.
But the follow-up to that is Pence can’t pardon him for state crimes. SDNY is hot on his trail.
There is just something so very wrong with our system in that the best way to get way with crimes is to hold the highest office in the country. And the thing is, it’s not even a law that a president can’t be prosecuted, just a “policy.” Why is no one willing to break the policy?
“The warning to Trump was especially stark because officials wanted “to protect the president from coming out and saying something stupid,””
With any luck, he gets his height from his mom’s former personal trainer.
Mitch McConnell has sullied the good name of turtles everywhere. Even for snapping turtles, which is saying something because they are real assholes. I hope one bites his finger off.
He’s got his money so I don’t think he much cares about the poors of any color anymore.
So the CA GOP is taking a page from Trump’s rancid book and pretending laws are only applicable to other people, not them. It makes me question what exactly they mean when when they call themselves the Law & Order party.