
Seems like it will be worth a download at least. I enjoy Jason Bateman's work, even back in his Valerie and Hogan's family days it was very clear to me that he was the most talented of the actin Batemans.

why would this be a massive action spectacular anyway? And why oh why would you not just have Neil Gaiman write the friggin movie?

Well I think we can cross Stannis off the list of potential future kings/queens after that episode. I knew from the way Arya was stalking Meryn that they had met before, but I couldn't remember where or when. Thanks for the reminder AVCLUB reviewer. Happily, Needle isn't too far away. MMM, fresh oysters in a medieval

She's Leaving Home is a skipper for me… I recall reading a review of Sgt Peppers and the praise heaped on this song by the reviewer was…uncalled for at best. oh this is the Least Skippable list, thought I was imagining things when I saw Most-Skippable. I still stand behind She's Leaving Home as a must-skip.

Grunkle Stan, first thing i thought too.

Loved Helena in Alison's clothes… and her sexy, flirty side. "You have meat on your bones…like baby ox". I'll miss Rachel's Dr.Evil look. Beware clones, the bitch is back. Also enjoyed Rudy's Dr.Evil moment with Scott's cat. "Please, Denise has feline asthma." Check yourself Kellerman, Donnie's got the ring.

I think I'm going to like this series, so scummy.

Gather the elders and let’s talk.

Great episode, I get a kick out of Alison. Tatiana Mosley's ability to portray each character so believably is really incredible. It also seems like the FX crew has stepped up their game in successfully and seamlessly showing multiple clones in scenes.

call me when MacFarlane Toys starts shipping Stefon figures

agreed. haven't seen Avengers yet, but Fury Road is the closest thing to a Jack Kirby comic come to life that I've ever seen. Freaks, contraptions and non-stop action.

this show needs another reviewer. each episode has been better than the last, but the grades are getting worse. one would hope her newfound appreciation for menses related humor would have garnered a higher grade.