
Apparently better than you being able to read all the replies in the thread.

True. But it's not like I gave 2 shits who won. I was wrong. Wasn't the first time and won't be the last time. Besides, the site is called Regressing isn't it?

Years ago I worked at the Rockaway Pizza Hut in NJ. I was a waiter and had a table that still had 3 or 4 slices of pizza left. I asked if the would like to bring it home. They said no. While they cashed out, I cleaned the table and dumped the pizza in the garbage. I then went back out front and the mother was like "We

Nuke Ped State. From orbit.

LOL @ you. Life is too short to be getting all upset about a football game on the internet. But hey whatever floats your boat I guess.

Obliterated? What the fuck are you talking about? Dude passed 17x vs Wisconsin and barely completed 50% of his passes vs Alabama.

I'll take the Heisman winner over a 3rd string QB, thanks.

No he didn't. The defender was able to knock that ball loose while Dez was up in the air. He had to grab it a 2nd time with one hand as he was coming down. He didn't maintain possession. It's a stupid rule and everyone (including the refs) know it's a "catch." But the rule says you have to maintain possession which he

LOL at living up north.

Why don't teams ever release statements that show what they are really thinking?

It can't be because of revenge. Revenge turns to the dark side.

Because apparently the way you show respect is by buying a $500 suit so you look good.

C'mon now. There's no place for logic and sense when dealing with 2nd grade antics by NYC cops.

Damn, Cosmo has aged from his "Wig Master" days.

People in their young 20's aren't getting shitfaced all the time. Besides, getting shitfaced is not being an alcoholic. Being an alcoholic means your drinking is having an effect on your life in other ways. Considering his own parents and employees think it's a concern shows that his drinking is in fact having an

Pretty clear that Whitlock is jelly of the love and attention Scott got over at ESPN. He probably thinks it should have been him to set the stage for the black community and not Scott.

Yea I don't know how these guys do it. When my mom died someone asked me if I wanted to give the eulogy. I was basically like "Are you fucking shitting me? There's no way I'm in any shape to do that."

It's also Friday afternoon. The best time to bury big news!

That's odd. I was getting in a Christmas workout at Gold's Gym in Temecula and Kobe Bryant showed up asking why I'm such a hater.

Want to know how you can tell this is a BS PR move? They referred to him as Jeffrey. As a guy named Matt, let me tell you, your BS radar goes up when you are called by your given name from someone that does not know you as well as a friend or family member does.