
I'm not a truck guy but that's a pretty sweet ride.

QB's are not as vulnerable as a punter in mid air, don't be silly. I mean I don't give a shit either way. It's just funny the NFL preaches player safety and gives nary a thought about what a punter does.

This is what I don't get about when roughing the kicker is called. It's OK to do that to the kicker as long as you touch the ball first. But if you get there .1 second later and don't touch the ball, it's 15 yards and an automatic right down right? What's the fucking difference? The kicker is vulnerable in either case.

What's wrong with that? Sounds good to me!

Yes he's a moron for not understanding that RG3 is Danny Boy's little pet project. Not sure what that has to do with getting a 5 year contract. Other than that, nice rant.

Looking at the video at first, I thought Centeno Jr. fought dirty by hitting him in the face and then punching him in the groin on the follow through. Then I watched it again and realized that De La Rosa punched himself in the groin after getting being Ray Riced.

He also has the cash cow of changing the name and making money on all the new merchandise. He says he won't do it, but money talks. He'll do it within the next 5 years I think. He'll give some BS PR spin on how it's time to "turn the corner" or some stupid crap like that.

Oh I agree he wasn't worth the picks. I'm a Giants fan so I love see seeing Danny Boy miserable. I can't believe that little fuck actually makes his employees call him Mr. Snyder. Fucking ego this guy has. SMH. But he won't cut his losses. He can't. It would go against every fiber of his being that thinks he's always

Which is why Snyder isn't giving up on RG3. Gruden is a moron for not understanding this. I laugh at Danny Boy Napoleon as much as the next guy but a coach is a dime a dozen compared to what he gave up for RG3.

We learned about this a little in my psychology class. Basically the casino will dangle a carrot (winning a jackpot) in front of your nose. You, as the brain dead consumer keeps feeding the machine quarters in hopes of winning the jackpot. The casino knows this and uses the variable-ratio schedule so you keep playing

Just don't see why broken ribs would send him to the hospital. Football players have gotten taped up and still played w/ broken ribs. That's why I think he hurt his kidney. I've been hit in the kidney and I was shocked at how much it hurt.

Looks like maybe hit in the kidney?

Barkley is trying to be the "voice of reason" but he's pandering to white people while doing it.

LOL. Get off your high horse. We are animals, not some superior product above all. Some would argue humans aren't even the most intelligent animals on the planet. We are the only species that kills for pleasure and brags about it. We create parks, stuff animals in them, shoot them when they can't escape, take selfies

What fucking planet is this senile prick living on if he thinks we are limiting the power given to cops?

I'm sure they investigate every single scenario before coming to a decision.

The decision is still based on money. Everything is based on money. You'd see a 2nd grade football team playing in the Orange Bowl if Fedex knew it would get higher ratings than Alabama vs FSU. Sponsors don't care about fans or feel good stories. They care about what is going to benefit them in the long run

It's because of money. No one wants to sponsor a bowl for a new team.

That dude is a boss. Doesn't even bother trying to "fit in" and take the selfie with the others.

The NFL is lying about the St. Louis cops lying about the NFL apologizing about the Rams lying about apologizing about the cops apologizing while lying.