
The only real option for an organic farmer has to control weeds in a broad acre crop is tillage (plowing up and turning over the soil prior to planting). In that aspect it's less environmentally sustainable as it contributes greatly to soil erosion. Most conventional farmers now use 'no-till' or 'low-till' systems

That's because farmers are traditionally paid for yield, not flavour. Modern tomato varieties are bred to be picked green and stored without squishing, before being induced to ripen prior to sale.

Monsanto have been bought by Bayer.

While it's very true that very little of what you eat is "natural", deliberately confusing transgenic modification and gene editing technologies with selective breeding doesn't help consumers decide on the merits of GMOs.

"Informed Choice" is the key. Unfortunately any real sceince is drowned out by the endlessly copied hyperbole flooding the internet. I'm pro-GMO but I'd argue to the death that the consumer has every right to make their own decision on what they're buying.

Who? We don't know what your talking about. La la la la la…

They also just stuck them in a room full of dresses and told them to change, so she probably just picked one that fit?

I downgraded this episode by a full grade after she started off by using a pipette without a tip! WTF Cosima?!! (both the real one and the character)

When the Australian wine scene was really gearing up in the early 2000's you could buy 'cleanskins' for $5. They were a bit of a crapshoot as they might be wine that wasn't good enough for the winery to put it's label on, but sometimes they were really, really good wine which the winery was trying to limit the run for

Hire Frenchies?! They haven't even run out of Hemsworths yet, mate!

Do you like it when generic white pop singers rap? There's your answer.

I agree with most of your post. I'm not sure you're right about the inability to reform, but it has to come from the rank and file, and it might be very ugly. Look at the last 8 years of the Republicans, with their 'Tea Party outsiders' gaining sway for a while, then the Party Insider's pick for President (Bush)

You're impinging on my "Fuck that guy, drown the Lapplanders" campaign.

Is that a tattoo of the Queen on his forearm?!

…and convicts!

It would fuck that little cray-bait up.

What disturbs me the most is that someone posting on Reddit or any other public forum is assumed to have a right to anonymity.

…or 4. they're portraying Scandinavians.


I look forward to DVRing it sometime in 2019.