
The United Brotherhood of Cinematic Hound Snorkellers

It's a really specific union thing.

Something about rotisserie chicken gives me terrible gas. Not terrible smelling but terrifyingly voluminous. Still one of my favorite things to eat though.

"…presses to be built in the last 35 years" would be clearer but I got the jist pretty easily.

He still has 'til midnight! Stay sharp!

10,000 spoons is very irony. I guess "steely" is more accurate though.

Date? But I'm already fucking a box of popcorn.

That's because it is the most rhetorical of questions.

Tommy got naked! My cable remains for another week!

I think the Asshole Twins are by far the most interesting characters left on the show. Their creepiness is great.

He barely got his line out, too.

Yeah, I'd predict Ellen in the 3rd by rear naked choke.

Mrs Knife and I have recently decided to eat less meat and more pulses, which makes a huge amount of sense economically, health-wise and also environmentally.

Puns are the wurst.

Uhhh…'sat'. 3 points.

Why would Jerry bring anything?

12 toes?



I thought it was way better than the 3-episode review suggested.