
Or murdering people at pre-game parties.

Dak's influence is way over-stated. He's been remarkably calm and poised for a rookie, I'm not knocking the kid, but he's only throwing like 18 time a game.

I believe Eli has more playoff wins in Lambeau than Rodgers does.


It feels about right for another Giants/Pats SB IMO.

I believe test cricket (the long form of the game) is the only ball sport timed with a calendar rather than a clock. It goes for up to 5 days, and you can still have no result at the end.

The American Idol Electoral College needs to go.

They can just keep making films about a young person who discovers the Force and helps to blow up a Death Star/Planet/Whatever. Fans haven't seemed to have noticed yet.

The AV Club's very own Communist infiltrator.

You can skip Frontier. It's already airing in Canada and it's awful.

Huh, a whole movie specifically to feature the comedic talents of Rob Schneider. The early 00's were a confused time.

Pfft, I have way more publications than that jerk.

As those flavours tend to be collections of secondary metabolites, and products of enzymatic pathways largely missing from animals, this would require such an enormous amount of genetic modification to work that it's basically impossible.

Maybe every answer was "TRUMP/PENCE 2016 WOOO!", or something more subtly offensive, like "Burn the Jews!"?

Geez, Rob. You don't know one single Drag Queen you could call for advice on tuck n' taping? It's 2016 dude.

That's fucking awful dude. I'm stealing it.

William the Conqueror, great-great-great grandson of Rollo, founder of the Normans.

*hides treatment for kkk: Little Racists.*

A reality show would at least imply the subjects are willing participants.

I like what I've heard, I just can't get past the stupid name.