Big Shaun

Not to defend the dude, because he’s clearly a piece of shit, there any actual evidence that any of this is true? It sounds very, “I heard from a guy who knows a guy...”

Does anyone really care one way or the other?

It is a land of equal victimhood, hence a big reason why it’s such a litigious society in the first place. The left has their own victims that they like to champion, and so does the right. And I have not heard anything from either side that has shown concern about my plight, while they’re off defending their own

The left is clearly more race-focused. There is no such thing as “reverse racism”, there is only racism. The left invokes race at every turn, whether it is real, perceived, or just politically expedient. How can you legitimately deny that the left is consistently bringing up race in every social transaction in which

Accusing the right of perpetual victim hood. Youve got to be kidding. Now Ive officially seen it all

The problem I have with “microaggressions” is that it makes the assumption that all negative interactions are due to race.

And which historically relavant matiarchies would those be

there is nothing funnier than leftists bitching about nihlism. Talk about zero self awarenesses

Why is it so hard to just hire the best for the job ignoring race/gender/religion whatever. One one side, you have bigots hiring a particular person. On the other side, you have idiots saying you should hire based on diversity versus qualifications.

This is totally delusional. I work in Silicon Valley. In tech, *maybe* 1 out of every 10 incoming resumes is a woman. If you’re lucky!

This is exactly how discrimination works. Labeling beliefs as not “legitimate” so you can altogether dismiss it and be hateful towards people of those beliefs.

Well if you work at a company that actively prioritizes the hiring of others by providing them with programs to improve their skills to a level that is hirable, thereby sidlining capable potential employees that already have the necessary qualifications, merely to improve their public image as a company why would that

Ironically that was one of the points the email author is making.

“...One point being, we should be able to discuss this without instantly shaming/closing off the opposing viewpoint.”

Either that or they are a hiring manager that got shit for constantly hiring white dudes and never considering anyone else.

Define irony. Lambasting someone for stating that it is difficult to express a dissenting opinion.

Summarily dismissing the screed as being “anti-diversity” is exactly the problem it was outlining. Ms. Conger, it’s difficult to have discussions with people that prefer to affix labels out of some misguided sense of moral superiority. Listening to other perspectives, whether you agree with them or not, is just part

Sheesh. This could have been so much worse. Not saying they are correct, just saying if he’s an asshole he’s at least a thoughtful one.

This is why liberals, especially Hillary supporters, are fucking boring and unhelpful as fuck.