Feeding you a big lunch!

think one of the biggest problem is that Japan is too busy putting tits in their games.
As Nagoshi said, modern Japanese games character design starts and stops at “is he handsome” or “Is she hot”, “Are her boobs big enough”.
Modern Japanese games feel like a circle jerk of fan service. That’s why modern JPRGs just put

No one’s giving Japan passes on racism issues. Least of all me, I’ve seen how some treat Naomi Osaka for example. However I, personally, choose not to ascribe racism, intentional or not, to this idea that this black lady with a bunch of humanoid animals is equating black people with animals.
Others may, and there’s an

Another problem with the encounter is that you don’t necessarily know what you’re supposed to do, which happens several times in the game. Sometimes you can get through something by just sneaking around and finding the exit to where you’re supposed to go, other times you can’t leave the area until you defeat


I too, hate media companies attempting to do the due diligence of verifying information before posting a story that might impact people’s lives.

Honestly I’m thinking I’ll do the exact opposite, lol. I kept the game on moderate the whole time during my first playthrough, but for NG+ I’m going to crank the difficulty way down. I really love a LOT about this game. I think it’s brilliant and beautiful many ways, and it’s been sitting in my chest for the last

I love edf but saying the graphics look “current-gen” is a stretch. Without context you could tell me this was a ps2 game and I’d believe you.

Well yes, the focus is the racist. And to a lesser extent, how they’re trying to excuse their racism by citing their hiring process.

“Wax on, my sister is dating a black man off”

I think any of us who are white have seen this sort of crap happen in our lives around us pretty often. I’ve witnessed it numerous times in my 40 years through various crappy jabs and even later in my full career job where the non-white employees were treated poorly or spoken down to. One time, out of the dozens of

I’m so very glad your comment was brought out of the grays...just so we could all marvel at its logic-leaping, victim blaming nonsense.

OOOOOH STFU, some of us dont have the luxury of simply leaving a job and not being able to pay for our daily/weekly/monthy/yearly expenses because of some racist POS prick asshole slime bucket trash rat that works there and happens to be your boss thinks it’s perfectly ok to say and do racist stuff. He encountered a

“Who’s gonna buy it, fucking Aquaman?

The cynic in me just keeps thinking “it’s too late for this, that company already closed it’s doors, and the people at the top that fed that atmosphere will move from that cushy job to the next one on another company, and the cycle will continue”.

“She decided to defend her statement and even had the nerve to Google that analogy to prove why it was okay.”

“its harder for me to have sympathy”

I’m reminded of one of Ben Shapiros go to defenses about climate change: “don’t you think the people in low-lying areas will just sell their houses and move?”

Thank you Ian for reporting on this story and bringing it to a wider audience..

Glad his struggles saw the light of day and are getting coverage, hopefully to help shit like this from happening in the future but it’s sad his former manager didn’t even get a slap on the wrist. Passive aggression/discrimination in the workplace are common occurrences, nice to have social media to expose it somewhat.

The more I see stories like this, day in and day out, the more I arrive at one conclusion: this world is ****ing hopeless. It was horrible and awful when I was born and it’ll be horrible and awful when I die.