Feeding you a big lunch!

Take a twitter tour and you’ll see lots of these guys came prepared with helmets, batons and body armor ... some of them look a lot like police in riot gear.

Those aren’t police officers. Those are racists playing soldier.

Great article. Sports games are an exception when it comes to getting black male hair done correctly. Most RPGs with a “create-a-character” option only allow for afros or a buzz cut with no tape.

Whenever somebody says they are against something promoting equality or pointing at discriminatory practices (such as feminism, or the BLM movement), it’s always a red flag about their character. And then you get to think about the things they created and where exactly they originate from and it’s a slippery slope to

If his apology is honest, I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and let it go. I think it’s not really that hard to believe that someone’s beliefs can change over the course of several years.

That trailer is dope. Shame about the music tho.

She looks like a space marine to me

*nerd bursts through the door*

Actually, she’s not really twleve, she’s a 500 year old immortal dragon that just so happens to take the form of a twelve year old, so it’s k.


Wasn’t the original purpose of a pre-order to prevent missing out on a game at release?

As a black kid first getting into comics in the 90s, I had a pretty shitty opinion of Luke Cage. I found him embarrassing as one white writer after another just used him as the avatar of whatever they thought black culture was supposed to be. His dialog was laughable. His look was just gross. And while other heroes

How to Ruin Monopoly and make people hate you!

The alpha turned me into a customer. I love the cover system, the dynamic way you could point at a place of cover and hold a button to get there.

This article is a perfect example of a terrible hot take. As another commenter stated buying used Nintendo games could be tricky but you are just railing on GameStop(I have No love for them) and suggesting eBay?! I'd trust a big box retailer to fix the issue faster then some eBay seller.

Not that ridiculous, when you consider that these games aren’t made in a social vacuum. People are having this conversation, and everyone has strong opinions about it, including you, and many others on this thread, as is obvious when get mad and you bring up things no one was talking about. So, when you make a

The internet fired the first shot, by making us so wary of online ads (throughs pop ups, autoplays, sounds, epilepsy inducing light effects, etc.) that no one even wants to give the new round of ads a chance.

Man, I have get almost the same feeling of revulsion when I look at Pewdiepie as I do with Juggalo Joker. I’m happiest not seeing him.

I honestly can not say #F**kHarmonyGold because if it was not for them butchering Macross I never would have have gotten into anime in the 80’s, Robotech was the first anime I had ever watched and it is what got me hooked on it.

No no no no no. This is NOT the solution. This is taking something AWAY from the experience to appease corporate overlords. The solution is to fix the broken copyright system so that fair use is actually fair. Period.

if the reward was something like 5-10 lunchboxes I’d be okay with this objective, but 5o caps no way in hell is that worth the risk.