
I counted 4 Subies... IT people can't fix taste

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Mark Higgins in the Subaru at the Isle of Man was pretty sphincter-pucker inducing (while watching him at least). His co-driver (R&T photog I believe) was completely oblivious of how much of his bacon Mark just saved.

Gah! beat me to it

Counter point:

Actually, reminded me of their other creation, the Darpa winning XC2V

I think that was the whole point of the 2008 redesign

Was really lucky to have this playing in the East Bay area. I was so excited, I even bought the tickets ahead of time.

yes, but not the 4-door "long-bed" which really is just the regular bed

Preach brotha man, preeeeach! I don't understand all the hate on this truck. Sure its not the utilitarian small truck it used to be, but my old 98 tacoma wouldn't have been able to handle a cab-over camper like I have now. How many trucks out there can haul as much stuff as an F150 and still fit in a tiny "compact"

For those in the East Bay Area, Ca tickets are available for the Berkeley showing:

The Mitsuoka Orochi looks like one of those things from the murky depths...

It really depends on the person. I was able to manage to get both my best friend, who is a total car nerd like I am, AND my wife, who could care less, both hooked with the same episode, the first US special.

... or a 92 Plymouth Sundance perhaps

I believe the term is "dreeeeeeeft-haaaaw!"

It's that little bitty "ting" that makes the difference

Yeah..yeah.. I know I'm 27, I know I should be looking into that weird buzzing noise on my wrx, I know my time is probably better spent fixing things around the house, I know my wife practically falls over from rolling her eyes so hard whenever she see's another LEGO delivery box in our front door... but you know

tnx mate! probably one of the better ones I had, he brought me waaaay too many good year blimp posters

My dad worked for Goodyear tires, so I only had tire posters like this one growing up. I didn't have access to car posters until I was older. Lets just say I knew my Eagle F1's before I even knew what a Ferrari was.

Looks like we only need a few more nut-case babes to have our selves a calendar!