
Achievement Unlocked: "Beast Mode!!!"

God that brings a huge childish grin to my face. Reminds me of the day after 4th of July. #toycars

"What!? What!? That's right biatches, you just got enviro-served!"

From personal experience, I believe the correct gentleman's response is "F*CK THIS GAME!"

hmmm... is that sushi at the bottom of Fiat an Audi/autounion logo?

WTF, Mazda has gone and created a happy STI

I used to have a lot of the Jalop "Moment of Zen" pics as my wall paper. How 'bout the storm trooper Lotus Elise or the Vader Ariel Atom?

You guys are great! Can't wait for Sno*drift. Really wished Rally America had events here in Northern California...

Looks like somebody started airing episodes of American Chopper at the land of the rising sun.

It was kind of a blur to me. My earliest memory was in the Philippines, I was 7 and riding around in my dad's '77 Mitsubishi Lancer (picture safari rally). I remember manically laughing as he would accelerate hard and stomp on the brakes, trying to get through traffic with his short temper. I hated wearing a seat

Ron: "Rick, are you even paying attention?"

"I'm a sleepy pirate..."

Definitely last year's, they had that really cool black on yellow on one car and yellow on black on car no. 2.

@bluecoupe: Was just about to suggest that

@Unregular: Hmmm... I do think that Subaru has atoned for last years WRX with the almost worthy 2009 WRX.

I was a HUGE fan of the basic Gran Turismo, specially that front end. It was somehow sculpted in such a way that defined the car. The new chin spoilers though, kinda killed it for me. Really digging that rear though.

Does any of the carts from Super Mario Cart count? Can you say Du-rif-to?

Don't let their looks deceive you, all great people. Although 4 words: Only-asian-person-there

@Bumblebee: Yep, this being my first ever Billetproof show, I've learned something about myself... 50's pin-up looking chicks = HOT