
I have always found music in games and movies to be a distraction. How often do you have a soundtrack going on behind you choreographed to what you were doing. My guess would be never. Given the option, I always turn the music off. Background music just sounds corny. Some people find the music epic. I have yet to hear

'Moon River...'

@Srakin: Don't feel too bad. I have no income right now and only gave $5. I probably feel about the same amount of guilt as you do.

I barely made it through Avatar. With about 20 minutes to go I started to get dizzy and nauseous.

I feel saddened by our Kotaku community.

Guess what? It's 80's movie night!

I have to agree with his assessment of Michael Bay

@sleepingtree: Here is one possibility that they didn't exactly mention: Kinect? We can do it all practically now. It's not how pretty it is, it's that we can experience it on a whole new level. We hope.

@Silvernaut: I would have rather bought it on XBOX Live or Sony's Online for PS3 than get it free on Facebook

@petersays: I am humbled by our local geneticist. Sheesh.

@eurkos: Exactly what I was saying. She has some Swede attributes: the hair and eyes, and Asian attributes: it is obvious in her facial structure. I know where Asia and Sweden are, and I know she goes to school in Sweden. Put it all together and you get a bunch of people that miss the point. I now remember the most

Good Lord... Blond hair Blue Eyed Asian....WTF

Just picked up a refurbished black 360 Elite with black wireless controller and Component/digital audio cable plus an HDMI port for $99 at Gamestop.

I own a PSP-1001 and an original DS. The DS just never felt right to me, so I gave it to my roommate. I still play the PSP to this day.

I just do not get Broadway. Or even off Broadway for that matter...Spiderman the Musical?! What? Am I going to hear Metallica in the elevator at the hospital now?

A local place gets them in every once in a while. I'd swear they had two of them a few days ago.

@Phoenix117UK: Same here. Long live the metal (demi)-Gods \m/