
Shirtless isn't an issue. PANTSLESS is the issue.


@Benny: HELL yeah!

I was waiting to hear Crazy Frog after the music started.

DAMN! I've never actually seen that situation come to a finish like that. Eww

@natanku: Yes. We of the super awesome ilk do have our limits. Usually it is not being able to find other musicians in our area that can keep up.

I've been a pro musician for about 25 years and I can honestly say after watching the first video that she is better than at least 70% of the 'pro' drummers I have dealt with.

The local Target has actually been a nice place for checking out games over the last few years. If they made it better here then I am out the door to check it out.

I would definitely buy this. I bought the first movie the week it came out. Cube Zero is good as well. Cube 2 kinda stinks. Sci-fi channel product obviously.

Put simply, I'm done with EA sports games. Bring on 2k!

@Kakkoii: Well, with me only playing 5-10 hours worth of an MMO, per month, on average, I would say they made an excellent decision. $7 could net me up to 4 months of playtime. Or, I could fork out $60 to Blizzard to play WoW for no more than 40 hours in that four month period.

These people nailed it. My main problem with the MMO's that I enjoy is that the monthly charges are too high for how much time I actually have to put in to the game. $15/mo for 5-10 hours of gameplay a month? I can't justify it no matter how great the game is.

@knails: Hey! I'm a biker and I...have to agree.

@Ishbar: Wow. Harsh, dude.

@BattleCrab: quite lame. agreed. her voice almost caused an instant coma and severe head trauma.

I would rather have my PSP-1000 as the only handheld I own for the rest of my life than have to live with just a PSP-Go for a week.

@AOClaus: Agreed. Let's just have the BBC version. It doesn't get much better than that.

@Squiffy: Jay Leno took the Tonight Show back and NBC booted Conan in a rather unprofessional way (in my opinion)