@xADFx: Well done, sir. Well done.
@xADFx: Well done, sir. Well done.
@JesusDeSaad: Same to you as I said to the pathetic loser Banwhammer.
@BanhammerStrikesBack: I'll keep this simple and risk my own ban: Fuck Off you pathetic loser!
@Harpo: I never thought that poop looked cute (except in Blue Dragon)
@KingSeafoam: Sorry. My therapist tells me I am supposed to let out these little gems of bizarre thinking. But I am supposed to try to tell when I should say what. This has been one of those times. Please disregard my original statement as I am mentally deranged. At least that's what my Doctors tell me. (Sadly, this…
Looks like my 1st born child. She was creepy like that.Didn't ive long. Was a wiz at games though.
@rudeadly: I think I am going to be ill. It's taken me years to get that show outta my head. Thank you so much for bringing back the pain. My therapist will be busy with me tomorrow.
@Who the eff is GlassAdam?: I too felt that was more poignant and disturbing. Of course, I have an obsession with doomsday and all of the possibilities. I'll probably die just from morbid curiosity ;P
@Killtacular: thoroughly agreed.
@edhe (xbl): you had me at "text adventures."
# Beginning of rant/
This is definitely high on the cheese-factor, but you can't take away just how cool it really is. Color me impressed with the display.
@MrGerbz: I just gave your post a re-read after a full nights sleep. I see what you did there. I was a bit punchy last night and felt a need to rant against religion. I've seen that vid before and it irks me to no end.
@MrGerbz: Nice assumption. I'm 38 & I happen to like all sorts of colors in the spectrum. Slipknot are funny to me with the masks and all. Personally I like Slayer better. I do have a rather large 666 on my left arm that I would be glad to show you up close and personal if you would like. It's really nice to have my…
Shiiiit...I worship Satan and I don't even LIKE Pokemon
@Owosso: That is what told me it was faked. You hear that a lot when lines aren't rehearsed enough by some people. It also happens when someone is over-trying to sound mad.
I haven't abused any use of my account. After reading this asshole's response, I want out now. Now I'll be sending a certified letter to get out. Pay to play is fine. Pay to quit is bullshit.
The last arcade in the state closed down over 5 years ago. IF there are any left, they are in the back of a pizza parlor and consist of some crappy racing game and air hockey.
@Fernando Jorge: You mean Noone in their right mind
Wow. Stunned. I wonder if he could use this to his to his advantage with his acting career.