
If she was in the intersection when the opposing light is green, she’s at fault for the crash. It doesn’t matter *why* just that you are. You don’t enter the box unless you know you can get out the other side before the light changes.

driving 40k miles just for fun in a papered-over, econo-shitbox conveys a deeply unsettling sense of masochism that indicates an abusive upbringing, like being left in a mid-90s taurus for too many hours or having to sleep in the back of a windstar for a few months. or something. i don’t know. this is really weird,

What you’ve just posted is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it.

Understeer: you see the bystanders you mow over

Coming soon in an understeery cloud of smoke to a Cars and Coffee near you!

And now for a ridiculously dumb story that you shouldn’t bother reading:

“I just buy everything used on Craigslist. No taxes or dealer markup when you buy private party “

The Raccoon Weekly Sentinel has a version of events, noting that an autopsy on Bandit-E9458 showed no signs of rabies and digging into the human’s past altercations with animals, including her stepping on a field mouse when she was 9.

Focus RS Final Edition, but I see your point.

If you ever wonder what never being told no looks like...

whatever. She still won the popular slope.

But would this team have beat the 95-96 Bulls? Obviously not.

Price of said Big Baller Belt? $750

You brought up an important point. Kyrie waived off JR’s screen which was intended to provide a switch. (Warriors saw it coming a mile away, so Iguodola would’ve gotten the switch, but still, you want SOME kind of space, stupid flat earth asshole).

Aston Martin V12 vantage with a 6 speed manual.

The Kevin Everett news blooper...was right here (taps your chest)... the entire time

I used to play third base, but I never quite mastered the slowing-down-time thing.

Their first ever global dealership opening was this past Tuesday night in Toronto. I was there, and left impressed. The G80 Sport is really nice in white, with black accents, and the interior is as good as described. The G90 is bigger than I expected. I’d be curious how it drives.