Big Deal

But it’s really about priorities, not just money. We prioritize paying for new police cars or officer training or firearms or whatever the case may be. And maybe those priorities are the right ones; I don’t know enough about police budgets. But there’s not enough money to do everything, and we’ve decided rape kits are

Pretty sure the teardrop tattoo is what you get for murdering someone. So hot.

These men are heroes and should be addressed as such.

and basically what people were posting on Jez when the first story broke on the verdict. Can we get joint writing credit for this article?

Hotels don’t verify. If you ask to be next to someone they accommodate if they can.

few key points to work through here:

Sure, $$$ is nothing to sneeze at, but having won the case and shut down the assholes who thought she was scheming a publicity stunt with this is the best outcome I guess.

lol I came here to post those exact words.

Interesting turn of events. There has been so much press on how bad the deal was for us I had absolutely no clue that the elements within Iran considered it a bad deal as well.


I’m curious what criteria Jez staff writers use to determine what’s cultural appropriation and what isn’t. Not that I’m complaining - if anything I’m pleasantly surprised by the absence of manufactured outrage in this piece.

Racist established old German male : interprets

Nice to know you can use the mothets of dead kids for your political gain. This is actually sad.