
@sweetgreggo: Yeah...I constantly toss my 3GS around like its a £10 pre-paid....a 3310 an Iphone aint.

@Dacker: Other examples being...

Or......the case design if flawed perhaps?

@Raven Riley: Enjoying your policing of these comments!

I love how no matter how disasterous a catastrophe is, people are still willing to leave a city in an orderly fashion...

It could be worse, at least fanboyism hasn't descended into football(soccer) hooliganism yet.

@NuevoLeon aka MiRod407: Ok, the answer may end up being obvious...but i have to ask...whats a P.E. ..... :P

@DavidAndrus: I forgot the workings of a car compare to the innards of a nuclear reactor.

@DavidAndrus: Yeah, the US is clever enough to execute their environmental disaster's abroad.

They look much like our (uk) very own Nik Naks (awesome name to match the awesome flavour)

@Disabled_Vette: You still got some no....:P (rinse and repeat...)

@badhatharry: '(I use "mic" because the word "microphone" doesn't have a "K", but it still looks really strange. I understand what you're saying there.)'

MY mind is blown.