@walkingagh: I now remember what it was like seeing my parents put the presents under the tree that fateful christmas eve....WHYYYYYYY!?!?!?!
@walkingagh: I now remember what it was like seeing my parents put the presents under the tree that fateful christmas eve....WHYYYYYYY!?!?!?!
I know someone like Verizon probably arent (or are they - question to the better informed) gonna do nething about it but doesn't letting everyone upload 70gig just seem....so inefficient?
@Tyrunn: As a level headed n well meaning bloke I'l be more than happy to safely...from distance....without letting you know what I look like...take your word for it.
@I.M.Sirius: Nerds have muscles?
@KyleW: Easy Cheesy, such a point has already made to which iv clearly stated that though mistaken in detail I still feel correct in the point delivered.
@JoeOfTexas: My mistake sir!
Sooooo murder kills someone...bad murderer....put tag on murderer....murderer murders again....gets arrested again....bad murderer.
@Helvetica: I agree but at the same time the i prefix just is Apple, even when its not apple I think its a safe bet alot of people assume it is. While they could and do change (macbook pro for example?) that i is iconic more than nething else.
@Hearthatvoiceagain: You forget you can never get channel 5 to work on terrestrial....
@laylaholic: Seriously?? I hate ITV man its such a poor channel the only time I even think to go on it is if their is a football game on n i begrudgingly endure their commentary team other than thats its only an option if satellite goes down or someone doesn't have it.
@FriarNurgle: Perhaps iTV isn't far from what you want assuming that the iTV part is simply for TV connection for those of us note connecting their gear up to their tv already...if they get the deals seems a waste not to let itunes users indulge aswell.
I like the fact that I was about to post about ITV the UK broadcaster but seems thers either alot of fellow brits on Giz which I enjoy, or thers alot of culturally knowledgeable yanks here!
@m57: I was thinking about it and I probably would associate the first with the latter...because youd say i watched ***** on iTV how could people differentiate without previous knowledge if you meant the channel or the Apple platform.
@themightyspitz: wow, way to suck the life out of a perfectly enjoyable little photo...
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Giving religious areas of society way too much credit and also completly ignoring any other society that happens to be on the planet....
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: I think thats the point hes trying to make....
@Orionsaint: Its not so much for beatles fans though. I only got into the Beatles after seeing Oasis cover I am the Walrus live, then being tech savy I torrented it (due to the situation) and now I love the Beatles. Access to discovering the Beatles is what this would achieve. Apples missing out on that middle link…
@The Squid: True point, but not beeing a comic book nerd I think not knowing the villain could be a major plus. I mean, Im familiar with your typical superheroes as are most these days. And as such I know of a handful of enemies and that most of them have been beaten at some point or other.
Why for why couldn't background play have been included before it got pulled?! </3
@Channan: I dont disagree with you but I guess this would come in handy for your writer of various calling.