@Lincolnsbeard33: merely pointing out the obvious that at one point or another the companion will be shoulder to shoulder with the Doctor...
@Lincolnsbeard33: merely pointing out the obvious that at one point or another the companion will be shoulder to shoulder with the Doctor...
@Lincolnsbeard33: Doctor Donna...
@deleahrium: Ahh, I see I see! I agree, though I would add that the change in Giz's tune seems to have turned coincidentally on the whole Iphone4 leak which is kinda what pisses me of more so than the negativity.
@DirtyDogg: I agree Giz as a whole isn't anti apple...but that doesn't mean there isn't a number of seriously anti apple posts. Take for example the AT@T screw up with customer's email addresses. I saw atleast 2 posts stating this was apples fault before the story was fleshed out as AT@T's fault.
@UGAdawg: 'good god' I never said you did say anything about refs. The point was a ref is fundamental influence on the outcome of a game, and you seemed to insinuate it was vital for the US to progress.
@UGAdawg: So teams should roll over and refs play to the US tune just to stroke the US's ego?? To make the sport big in the US? Dont get me wrong id love for America to be on board with Football but the World Cup final is the biggest sporting event in the world...period. Not sure if you meant this comment to read the…
@Greg Rassam: I think your doing almost every other referees performance this tournament a great disservice tbh. Im the first to attack refs week in week out in the prem, however until today (the ref of the Germany game was awful aswell) they'v got almost every single big decision right.
@shorty63136: If im not mistaken even though the ref doesnt look at a screen there is a video ref in rugby is there not? Not being a dick just thought id see!
@Spartanical: At the end of the day while I agree the US were robbed theres an old adage in football that a game shouldn't hinge on a what if. Gotta defend better or score more goals and America wouldn't have been in that position.
@meatbag_pussrocket: I agree poor refereeing is a plight of the game on occasion. But come on? Does America loving football really hinge on the ability of the referees....? Come on....
I used to think this but its just not football. It ebbs and flows can speed up and slow down in an instant. Technology where the ref stops and watches a replay would halt play for too long.
This sorta thing has been going for a number of seasons now - in England at least, its called Prozone. Its what we use for stats etc.
@Odin: I dunno bout others but I use Adium which integrates all my IM's into one easy to use interface...perhaps something similar could work for video chat?
Any word on this deal for the UK, ESPN has just acquired 2/5's of the Premier League coverage for next season I think and Iv not got the sports channels so would be lovely if this was same for us!
Im not sure if its only applicable to flights from Britain (im not a plane nut unfortunately!) but my number one tip is to get on as quickly as possible and hit the seats by the emergency exits. The difference in leg space is phenomenal! Plus I seem to find nobody else wants to sit by the emergency seats - though…
@Jeremy: Its nice how Gizmodo has kept its balance after all that kerfufffle with Apple....oh wait....this article is sort of scare mongering?
I love how Gizmodo is exposing me to all this information. When can i expect some Android drop tests? What about some Samsungs?......Nokia????
@big_dave501: p.s. aslong as P. Diddy is never bond - that is my only caveat...
@Darth Meow 504: I think that for the most part racism doesnt have to be a central reason for why these people bully Peter (should a black actor be cast). I think while it is still prevalent in the world just because hes bullied doesnt mean we have to instantly label the conflict about racism.
@jetRink: While your argument about removing skin colour from the equation is admirable on the face of it I think you miss the point. Skin colour is a difference, just as my eyes are blue n someone elses are green. Its not the difference that is the problem but the irrational hatred against the difference that is the…