
Maybe I just have lower standards than other io9 commenters, but I thought that the early-season material was both fun in its own right and important characterization for the later-season plot to have the necessary impact. I don’t particularly care if anyone else agrees with me.

To some degree, that’s because a number of us disagree that it was actually bad.

I just saw the trailer and I agree. God, it’s gonna be AWESOME! TOTALLY FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!

Good god, this looks amazing. How is it that Inhumans looked like shit and yet Agents of SHIELD, with practically the same budget, made a goddamn space opera and made it look cinematic?

The Grimes gang ran into the Saviors a few times before the stealth raid on the satellite station.
1) An ambush on Darryl, Abraham and Sasha that split up that group and led to Darryl meeting Dwight, Dwight’s wife and sister-in-law in the woods as they were fleeing Negan.

I just cut the leading edge away, sprayed a crap-ton of spray adhesive up in there and then used a 3" paint roller to roll the headliner smooth. Took no time at all, and looked... well, looked awful as the adhesive will discolor the headliner, but it got it up and out of the way and the car was not worth any more

I’ll second that. Brees is tremendous.

Igneous or metamorphic?

Trump should learn some history before he mouths off again. You know what great American also didn’t stand for the National Anthem? FDR.

Remember qbs just slinging bombs and receivers hauling ass, grabbing the ball and just keep running. Now 60+ yarders happen because nobody wants to tackle any more because of rule changes, concussions, fines, etc

It went from “Ugh, I guess I’ll watch the next episodes” in season 1, to “Holy crap, is this even the same show?” in season 2, and has definitely become the highlight of the week’s super shows for me.

Eh Thor: Ragnarok might have matched the insanity that is Legends of Tomorrow. However it IS the best superhero show from what I have heard, even though my heart will always belong to Agents of SHIELD first.

Yeah, being completely objective, his best years were with the Mets (highest WAR of any team), but the Royals are very close. He definitely is more memorable as a Met, if only because that’s where he was for his prime (and it’s the bigger market). The Hall does try, I feel, to reward teams that have less

Travel mug. Even when stationary.

Beltran’s first year with the Mets wasn’t very good at all. In 2005, he didn’t do all that much, putting up an underachieving stat line in a season the Mets didn’t do much. In August of that year, he and Mike Cameron collided in right center field in what is maybe the worst thing I’ve seen in a game. They both dove

I think you’re right that, in the old voting days, Beltran’s candidacy might have been harder, but with WAR and JAWS putting a player’s career into historical context (and the increasing voter acceptance of those metrics), Beltran is a shoe-in Hall of Famer.

in New York, with the Mets, he became an unfairly maligned MVP-caliber player.

What scares me is, I think you’re being sarcastic, but I can’t be sure.

Nope, I don’t have to because you already have confirmed yourself as a whiny idiot. His comments were 100% correct, but little babies like you who’s ‘fee fees’ get hurt easily have to project some faux rage over it. Bottom line, he was a sports figure and the guy commenting was a SPORTS broadcaster on a SPORTS

Ya, my first thought when I heard how it happened was ‘dude, you’ve got a wife and kids. What the fuck are you doing piloting a weird little plane around man?’ But until this moment, I’d only thought that, not said it out loud or gone on a tirade broadcast to thousands of people.