
The thing that bothered me most, was while watching Jesus tie up that guy after almost killing them both, Tara started having a long conversation with Jesus instead of putting a bullet in the Savior’s head. I would have just put a bullet in the Savior’s head and then had the conversation with Jesus.

This comment gets made every week on these reviews. Cool story, bro.

Throwing home run balls back is the dumbest “tradition” around. First, it’s Wrigley’s tradition, not yours. And second, the bleacher people at Wrigley are smart enough to throw back a batting practice ball and keep the real one!

I never got the whole “Throw it back” mentality, especially given that it’s a HR ball from your own team (The asshole was dressed in pseudo-Astros colours). Throw back a foul ball? OK but really why? The teams really don’t need more fucking baseballs.

Did you see that ball 4 that clipped the zone graphic cam during the live pitch (late/extra innings), which would have been strike 3, but then when Fox replayed the pitch while Buck & Smoltz were discussing it, you can visibly see the “box” move to the right so that the pitch appeared to be a ball instead?

Dudes hat and douchbag sunglasses would be following.

I liked it. Didn’t love it. Same with Suicide Squad. I don’t try to convince anyone.

I think Albert’s new nickname is Zesty Delight. Gonna do my best to get everyone on board.

How in the civilized world is “bless you” on par with “excuse me” and “thanks”?

What is it about saying “bless you” after sneezing makes it a nicety? Is the sneezer damned to hell forever if nobody says it? All it does is tell other people around you how ‘polite’ you are for identifying the sneezer. What exactly is so courteous about it?

As someone who has year-round allergies and sneezes 8-10 times every time something triggers a sneeze I say leave me the fuck alone and stop saying bless you to me every damn time. I’m sneezing. I get it. I don’t need bless yous or acknowledgements because I’m going to sneeze again in an hour and I don’t need it then

This is funny because I made the same pact with a new cubicle neighbour a few years back - can’t remember why but I was just like, let’s not bother saying that to each other and she agreed. I’m all for extending that pact with all of Western Society.

There. Are. Three. Kids!

Well shit, just recast him. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve done it.

One of the most iconic marriages in comic book history undone just so a bunch of middle-aged comic writers could vicariously feel young again through Spidey. Fuck this retcon.

How very Christian of you to point out your own flaws, promise to change your ways, while simultaneously and viciously attacking those who have not yet reached your level of ‘enlightenment.’

whoa...full stop! Everybody who disagrees with progressives has to be a racist, bigoted, evil, small-minded person who refuses “to engage the wider world because it simply threatens them”.

I had to stop reading after two paragraphs of self-flagellation. I couldn’t even make it to the football picks because I kept seeing pieces of skin go flying off your back like this was Passion of the Christ or something.

Bring back wing windows too, damn it. And floor-mounted switches for the high-beams.

Why would anyone find themselves connected to a lie detector today?