I gave it up two years ago and it’s been fucking glorious. Welcome to life after NFL.
I gave it up two years ago and it’s been fucking glorious. Welcome to life after NFL.
Thats because you are a fucking idiot that doesnt understand statistics.
You mean a moment of reflection that was forced on him by Mike Tomlin and presumably the other more vocal members of the team? Is that really meaningful? I thought the whole argument in favor of Kaepernick was that he was doing something thoughtful that he personally found to have deep significance, in spite of public…
Who was paying for this surgery is what I’d like to know.
As someone whose disarmed *multiple* adults with knives, bats, and nail boards using only my hands in a professional setting. Here is some advice to avoid “getting hit in the face”, take a step backwards and consider the situation. Is the weapon actually lethal? If it hits you what are the chances it’s lethal, if you…
And every time she thought she was finished, another Columbo would appear and say, “Just one more thing....”
If you tuck in your Hawaiian shirt you should be kicked out of anywhere you go.
Yowza, you just flawlessly described my relationship and only the names and places have been changed. Now I’m checking around me to see if there’s cameras filming my life like the Truman Show.
I’m really looking forward to my next salary negotiation with my boss where I chide him for valuing me only in the narrow terms of the revenue I generate and remind him that if he were to pay me more, people would generally be more excited to work with a much more prestigious me.
Men play a best of 5 in Grand Slam title, woman play best of 3, why should they get equal pay for less work?
So he’s saying they should play best-of-5 too?
I agree in principle with everything Murray says.
My wife won’t play scrabble with me any more because she doesn’t like doing things she can’t win. Also she accuses me of making up words.
Did anyone actually play the game in the manner it was designed? I remember seeing the commercials on TV when I was youngster thinking “oh, man, that looks awesome!” Then I’d visit a friend who had it, and we would start according to the rules, but a few minutes later we said screw it and just started building…
The trick is to keep a Dremel tool and some blank tiles under the table.
Sorry! is underrated here. I’ve literally seen relationships on the brink of destruction because of that game.
In 1977, you needed announcers. In hindsight, the technology was terrible. The screen graphics sucked, there was no superimposed yellow first down lines, not to mention the horrible broadcast quality (it’s hard for me to watch anything not in HD).
And here’s the greatest hits!
“All the stuff I’ve done in my career,” Don Ohlmeyer once told an ESPN interviewer, “and that’s what I’m going to be remembered for. It serves me right.”
I’ve been watching the 1971 movie a lot lately because my toddler loves it.