
She’ll cry white woman’s tears and get away with it.

Hatred and evil rot you from within. 

Without Heaven there would be no modern gospel music. Don’t @ me, it is what it is.

They had to change it to SEL because they ARE dealing with kindergarteners.


Looks like Fox News may have found their new sports correspondent.


Wendy, it’s over. 

There’s definitely black ice on the road and no one is slowing down. 

Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/MySpace/Friendster should suspend his account for 24 hours. Then one his so called friends needs to go over, drive him to his ranch in Idaho or Montana, make some tea and let this man breathe for a bit. Cry, yell, something. 

Very true, the people who truly care about him have been pushed away by him, Sad to see. 

The boy needs help. And no one is there to do it.

Can we get a perp walk, please?

He said what he said.

Welcome to Earth is a pretty good series, hopefully this one keeps the same energy.

It could be both, Cardi’s life is in the tabloids (some of it comes with the territory of being a celebrity, some of it earned by bad choices) and this could have been the straw that broke her. 


Kebe initially admitted that she knowingly published lies about the rapper, but she later tried to walk back that statement when examined by her own attorneys.”....

Aces Coach Laimbeer Says It’s “Not Acceptable” For Team To Check In At Chicago Hotel With 400 People In Lobby During COVID-19 Pandemic - LVSportsBiz

There are three sides to every story.