that’s definitely not true:
that’s definitely not true:
so were automobiles when they first came around but that didn’t stop people from piling into them for 90 years before we decided that airbags were necessary...
actually highways and roadways with higher speed limits are where AVs excel, (barriers + reduced decision making from encountering intersections) if anything I think we should limit them to just highways and interstates until we have a set standard in place for when the vehicle is allowed to break the rules…
reading that article it’s apparent that there is some unsubstantiated bias on part of the Navigant report specifically they reduced Tesla’s numbers due to customer misuse of their current autopilot technology and the fact that Tesla is not using lidar technology even though lidar itself is not necessary for autonomous…
read the bottom of the article:
what a motherfucker...welp I’ll see myself out.
We need a follow-up this has to be sitting in a collection somewhere waiting to be hooned!
how about they try for 10 episodes a year instead of 14 episodes every two years? because good lord I went mad during the hiatus (I have never raged at a cartoon character like i did to Mr.PoopyButhole in the S2 Finale)
even if it didn’t have FM radio it wouldn’t affect me. I listen to all my music loaded on a usb drive I plug into the stereo, only time I turn the radio on is when I have people in the car that would be uncomfortable with my playlist of Death Metal and showtunes...
as a software engineer finishing my Computer Science degree I agree with this 100%. at some point in the future we will have one of two things occur. either 0. the government will provide a basic income to all citizens with a large tax on most automated industries to cover the cost. most people will be working in the…
as always the comment section on this site makes me realize that my weird sense of humor isn’t all that weird anymore.
because if you kill people but don’t mean it that makes it okay...
Now if you’ll excuse me I need to do wheelies in my kia blindfolded in that playground over there...
can you pay for access to the fusion app separately from cable? this sounds awesome but I only have sad Comcast cable (because Internet magically becomes $20 cheaper if you have cable with it for some reason) or a season pass on amazon would be nice!
when car manufacturers try and make the front look like a face, at this point it seems like they’re reducing the functionality just to make sure it’s got two eyes and a doofy mouth...
anyone know the resolution of the screen? all I can find is that it can “display 1080P content” which I can also do on a black and white TV if I really wanted (Auto Tech companies love to pull this with screens where they’ll slap a 240P screen in and say it can play 1080P content because “Technically” you can but it…
anyone know the resolution of the screen? all I can find is that it can “display 1080P content” which I can also do…
indeed, now the roads on the other hand are complete madness, only place I’ve found that will have 5-way and 6-way intersections (one of the 6-ways is stop signs all directions) luckily they’ve been pushing to turn them into roundabouts but that’s been slow going with all the older people who have trouble…
sorry apparently I don’t word good, it should have been “facing the same way as the flow of traffic”
first off neat idea, second off you it needs to be able to lift and slide under either side (for instance in Fort Wayne, IN for street parking you must be facing the flow of traffic or you get ticketed) so this would need to be able to slide under the left side of the car or drive on the sidewalk/grass which would be…
alright so history lesson: when automobiles were first being sold they had trouble expanding because there was no infrastructure for repairs, fuel, and parts outside of the large cities and expanding would mean having to pay for all of that themselves which was financially impossible. So instead the manufacturers…
It’s north of the corn field locals call “Indiana”