I actually like the new GC, especially the interior which is a step up in terms of luxury and design but the Wagoneer is one fugly motherfucker! It manages to look like a different (bad) car from each angle.
I actually like the new GC, especially the interior which is a step up in terms of luxury and design but the Wagoneer is one fugly motherfucker! It manages to look like a different (bad) car from each angle.
Wanted a Bronco = FORD TAKE MY MONEY.
the world needs a sporty, affordable (<$35k?) 2 seater EV. .
fuck you, leave
Conservatives: “Government has no business meddling in the affairs of private businesses.”
Oh, Ron DeSantis is upset? Poor guy. He can fuck right off into the ocean.
Thank you for finally saying what we all know! But shields up, Sir. They’re coming for you in the comments.
Cheap and easily replaceable round headlights.
Agreed. Not because I hate BMW. Quite the opposite. But more like putting that brand out of its misery.
Tesla. Because Musk.
The problem is...The Let’s Go Brandon crowd is part of a movement to destroy our political institutions and install a despot in the highest seat in government. They are actively trying to permanently take our rights away. And if they succeed, will destroy the constitution that they claim to support. If you are…
I’d been considering getting into off-roading but if it’s all a bunch of MAGA people -- evidently to the point it merited two separate mentions at two points in the article -- I’ll pass.
I salute this article.
Ooh, that reminds me of the tv show “Viper.”
The Ford Mustang Knight Rider from 2008. Does anyone remember this movie/series? Hoooo boy it was bad. NBC’s hit rate with shows is about 10%, but this thing was beyond embarrassing.
Karma yo!
if people are cheering when you wreck a car you are either in stock car racing or have been a huge douche nozzle in traffic.
See also: Apple, Nest.
Upper middle class tech illiterate people really fall into the “Your property is your personality” trap much more easily than other people.
Easy solution here.
Don’t be a shallow prick, and don’t buy the damn thing.