
I gotta admit, hating the Warriors makes a lot of sense but Draymond can dick kick my grandfather off a cliff and I’d still rather watch the Warriors than the fucking Rockets.

These violent delights have violent ends.

So would I, mostly because it can Schwimm.

Sadly, there isn’t.

You don’t have to be American to be a real American hero.

You should do a push-up when you’re on the floor (which she doesn’t do), and you should stand all the way up & jump to a target (she remains basically on all fours, but jumps so both feet & hands are off the floor at the same time).

I agree with you that women have an unfair eye cast upon them when working out, but this is an awful representation of what a burpee is to most people (including me). If this meets Guiness’ criteria, then their definition sucks. I and most people I know adhere to the Spartan Race’s burpee rules:

My boyfriend sold her a piece of furniture and delivered it to her place in LA and he can confirm, that she is every bit of awesome, tough, sweet that you would imagine. She goes by Franny and haggled the hell of of a deal with him...

Go Francis. Fucking Birkenstock’s, love it.

Not so bad, it happens more than you think. Brandon Belt hit one that popped out of Mike Trout’s glove and over the fence on April 21st so it can happen to the best of them. And it’s not like it cost the Giants the game, not when you lose by 11. What’s another run or three? I was ready for Pablo Sandoval to throw

Not sure if I’m being that guy here, but... is this maybe not really embarrassing at all, but rather a bummer of a failed attempt to make what would have been a fucking spectacular play? Better example of utter hilarity on a similar play? Jose Canseco can be seen scratching his lumpy ass head about it.

Every lawyer defends at least one or two shitty people.

Be Best be stupid. Be Best be making grammatical mistakes. Be Best could have been “Be Your Best” pretty easily, but Be Dumb is what the Trump Administration Be About.

This reminds me of an interview I once read with Jon Bon Jovi, that started off with an anecdote of him playing Rock Band with his family, and he was on the vocals singing a Bon Jovi song and the game kept marking hm off for being off-tune.

If your goal is to see the sun, ever, between October and April, then you’re shit out of luck.

Where do you live that no natural disaster can destroy your home?

I, too, am a pedant and cranky.

I am so sad that I had to be 32 before I realized that faking orgasms had literally ensured I had bad-to-boring sex with genuinely nice men.

Probably grossed out be the festering wound on that dude’s back.

Can we not make this a thing please? Not even a thinkpiece type of thing? There’s no mystery here, and it doesn’t take investigative journalism to see this is clearly a small child being coached by overbearing stage parents to perform an annoying, badly Blaccented, not very clever character. This is cringeworthy at