
Come on, man. Durant lacks mental toughness? His stats in that series, including the last three games, were great. What what his stats suggest, the eyeball test confirms. Nor was Durant soft in the Spurs series that preceded it. Similarly, he was a stud against Miami in the 2012 Finals at age 23. (Also, you might

I remember when Leitch ran this site and seemed to embrace other websites and decent sports writing generally. Deadspin now just seems to shit on most everybody else and openly root against the Ringer. (It seems to publish a negative story about Simmons or the Ringer once every three weeks or so.) It’s become trite.

Everybody seems to forget that the Warriors themselves came back from 1-3 against a terrifying Thunder last year. Also, going 73-9 isn’t exactly the product of mental softness. And there was a time not very long ago when LeBron himself was also considered to lack mental toughness. But carry on . . . .

Joining the chorus here. I loved the last season of P&R. It was narratively different but still hit the perfect P&R tone. My favorite final season of any show ever.

Also, Hannah Simone is very, very good looking. (Also, great name.)

I miss music from that period. [Puts on Cannonball by the Breeders]

Yeah, I’m still waiting for the explanation as to why Westbrook caused Presti to trade Harden (to avoid the luxury tax). With KD, one may indulge in a little Bill Simmons-esque conjecture as to the relationship between KD and Westbrook. With Harden, you’re just projecting.

Huh. Our 2009 Forester’s engine imploded around 130k. Dealership said it had run out of oil, even though hadn’t yet hit the mileage for our next oil change.

These threads, man. It’s nice to see there’s little difference in gender/sexuality on such topics. It reminds me of threads in other, dude-oriented blogs where a bunch of internet randos pick apart and pass judgment on someone like, say, Anne Hathaway as if (a) the comment-makers were anywhere near her league, (b)

Yes! The tracking shot with Tears For Fears is so brilliant. It sets up the nearly the entire movie and just wonderful. Also, I often tell friends who are less than enthusiastic about one of my suggestions that I doubt their commitment to Sparkle Motion, which usually draws blank looks in response.

As the parent of two ski racers, I can say from personal experience that it is a brutal spectator sport and financially crippling. Props to the parents, especially the middle-class ones, who gut it out on behalf of their children.

Aw, man. George “The Animal” Steele was a fun weirdo when I followed the WWF in the mid-80's. I love the fact that he was a high-school PE teacher. RIP.

Acting—displaying a range of feelings deeply and convincingly—is overrated in this genre. Arnold Schwarzenegger is not a good actor, but he’s a great action hero. Probably the best ever. Point Break, the Matrix series, Speed, and, now, the John Wick is a pretty damn impressive collection, too.

The Today show is a horrible fit. Kelly is at her best in aggressive and combative interviews. You might not like her, but you have to recognized that she’s sharp and fast. But she seems like she’s at her worst as a “personality” and personal opinion giver. That said, I’d like to see her abuse Matt Lauer a little.

Ha. Me, too. I sometimes hear of celebrities keeping their first-ever car for nostalgia. If I had the money, I would too (a beat-up mid-80's Volvo).

Here’s my truck at home last week in its trucky habitat:

I have a 17-year-old pickup with 240k+ miles. I don’t know how to explain it, but an old pickup can be a very endearing vehicle. That said, I live in the mountains. I’d hate to drive it around a city like LA.

I don’t care about jersey advertisements, but the abundance of timeouts is too much, especially late in a game. The staccato, drawn-out endings to games are the biggest drawback to the NBA, which otherwise offers a great product.

This guy is my hero.

Okay. . . . I’ve driven from Sandy to Alta/Snowbird many times. It’s a fine area for skiing and climbing, but the driving not as steep, sustained, or treacherous as many of the Sierra passes. (Anecdote: I once saw a chainless van literally drive over a pedestrian near Solitude.) Anyhow, if your point is that many

Way more snow than Tahoe? Are you sure? Unless you’re talking about Mt. Baker, Alyeska, or, sometimes, Little Cottonwood Canyon, very few areas consistently get more snow than Tahoe.

I live in Tahoe and have lived in Alaska. The chains are necessary for 2wd cars with crappy tires. Many folks (tourists) literally