
I can’t hit a golf ball straight to save my life after 15 years of trying. I’ve accepted the fact that it’s a mechanic thing and my brain just doesn’t work the right way with my hands/positioning. Sometimes, people just aren’t good at a certain thing, whether it’s a game, a skill, a lifestyle, a way of thinking etc.

Jon’s views aren’t based on real statistics, but from Breitbart bullshit. He argued that the most well off black person is still more violent and more likely to commit crimes than the worst off whites. Please don’t let him half-assedly backpedal from such a blatantly racist (and factually incorrect) statement.

I love the other guys 0n Normal Boots. Projard and Peanut Butter Gamer (along with their friends Space Hamster and Brutal Moose) are some of my favorite Youtubers.   I will give them all the support they need.

Yeah, it sucks that they hitched themselves to the wrong horse. I unsubbed from JonTron, but I won’t from those other guys. They don’t deserve the bullshit that should be squarely aimed at him.

I’ve had a Switch since launch, I move it from the dock a few times a day and there are no scratches from the dock. How the hell are people putting this thing in that it’s scratching the screen? And the exhaust port is on the top, where the hell are these people placing it that they’re worried about blocking the vent?

Because there is nothing to worry about. A lot of overblown drama about all of this.

Better than young Aloy. Young Aloy is the stuff of nightmares. I don’t know if I’m alone in thinking that something about her was very off-putting, but I was very relieved when I finished the tutorial section.

I like when people say things like “as an adult with a job.” What does that mean exactly? What are you implying?

I have a full-time and a part-time job. Sometimes the part-time job grows into full-time work for a week or two at a time. I do a myriad of other things, as well. Yet I still find time to play games,

In all my 34 years of gaming I have literally never had a save corrupt itself. Crying like a little bitch about this seems like a completely alien concept to me.

This Kotaku campaign against HUDs has got to be stopped.

Why would sales suffer as a result of this? And even if they did, why would it have any impact on Nintendo’s decision to produce future Zelda games considering that it would still be one of their most profitable properties, even if there is a minor dip in sales?

And you can tell that by the voice over narrator talking about La La Land - if it were known, they’d have been telling us about Moonlight.

I’m guessing (I don’t know the La La Land dudes) that the bald fellow who broke the news over the mic was the above-mentioned Jordan Horowitz?

I’ve never seen him before but I admire how he was serious as a heart attack about this. He wasn’t having any jokes, he was not putting up with any confusion, and he fucking

And super-together about it. I know around here people don’t like LaLa Land but that guy handled it totally smoothly and with total grace.

It’s..., a lot more complex than that. Very much easy-to-learn, very-hard to master. You’ve missed a lot if you think that’s all there is to it.

Eh, you also have throws, unique dodge, block, general attacks, attack range, and combo options based on the class you pick. It was made for a gamepad though.

Hmm, my mistake. You didn’t need to be a gigantic asshole about it, though; I just got the two mixed up.

Counter-counterpoint: Hitman.

Quickly available friend’s list with no friend codes, quickly accessible group parties, ability to join friends mid-game, quickly accessible messaging and chatting, quickly accessible game communities...
