
You bought a console for a game without a release date?

Thanks for the warning. Can we move on now? Some of us didn’t like either of the candidates and just want this nightmarish election cycle to end. We get it, Trump is “literally Hitler” and a real poopy head, but you know what? I heard practically the same kinds of things from conservatives when Obama was elected.

I’m about to blow a gasket over this 2016 nonsense. Every fucking time anything bad happens it’s 2016's fault. My God are people stupid.

You do know people will die in 2017 too, right?

+1 time Hannah Storm gets a break from this shit

...Another is that they’re only counting trailers for games that actually came out in 2016, not those whose trailers turned up this year but won’t be out until 2017 or beyond...

Another is that they’re only counting trailers for games that actually came out in 2016, not those whose trailers turned up this year but won’t be out until 2017 or beyond, which is why games like Spider-Man and God of War, who would have made the list with 10 and 14 million views respectively, didn’t.

“confirmed that Gustavo Santaolalla would be returning to score the new game”

I’m curious. How many people have theorized that Joel’s actually dead in this trailer and it was the Fireflies that killed him for the slaughter at the hospital and murder of Marlene at the end of the first? Hence this game being one big revenge story with Ellie killing Fireflies to find the person responsible for

Yeah, and it sounds impactful too. Reading what Druckmann said regarding people being worried that it’s Joel and Ellie again, that he wasn’t going too but they found a story that they really liked and felt they should tell, makes it feel more than just a sequel it’s another part to their story.

I’m hoping this is as much of a non-issue as it sounds. He shouldn’t have to, but it would help now if he comes out and says “hey, after 20 years of video game crunches, I’m trusting my team with this one. Nothing else to see hear.”

It’s such a good title too, kinda annoying seeing a couple articles not using it.

Ok, um...tiny complaint here, but could we call it The Last of Us Part II please?

Fucking no. Stop trying to push homonormativity onto everything.

I just checked YouTube and the new Jon Tron video is the first on my recommended list. The 1-video-every-45-days-or-so Jon Tron. I’m also subscribed to H3h3 and he was always there, but now I’m like “hey didn’t H3H3 upload anything?” every week, go to his channel and there’s 2 or 3 that I’ve missed.

Parsing different issues and diluting a single issue are different things. Seriously, people are offended to so much meaningless crap these days I often just more or less say “Fuck it” myself. Oh, someone else is offended today? Moving on *click*

The real problem is that stupid shit like this simply detracts and dilutes actual problems related to such issues. That’s one of the reasons you get so much push back. If you keep hunting for reasons to be offended people eveutslly just say “Fuck it” and quit trying not to offend.

First chill

The biggest disparity I saw yesterday was Tyrod Taylor being hit about five yards out of bounds (no flag) vs. Tom Brady given a mean look by a defensive lineman (DL ejected, 14 additional points awarded to the Patriots)

That’s FireRed or LeafGreen. Not Emerald.