
No problem. Yeah I think you’d be much better off just buying base MGSV. It’s less than $30 on Amazon, and since you already have the only part of this collection that doesn’t come with the base game, it'd be silly to buy the collection.

You should already have those 2 extra ground zeroes missions. They were both made available for free like a year or so after GZ came out.

At any sporting events, I’ve never held my hand over my heart for the National Anthem. It’s definitely not a required thing. I don’t do it out of defiance... it’s just something I don’t do.

So I guess Sean Murray wasn't lying when he said the chances of seeing another player are 0.

Not like location even matters anyway. I catch magikarp at my house all the time. I’m nowhere near any body of water. I feel like that whole “Pokemon only spawn in certain places” thing is garbage. I've caught everything from poliwag to rhyhorn all on my one block.

Damn it's been two years? Flew by. You quickly became my favorite journalist on the site. Gonna miss seeing your articles here. Good luck, sir.

Weird how it used to work. I used nearby to track down a rhyhorn to perfection maybe 2 weeks ago. Then all of a sudden it just always showed 3 footprints. Did it always not work for some people or did it just stop working for everyone all of a sudden?

Well, neither made an appearance this year, so I guess who knows? Sony might adopt this whole “all games no talking” thing every year. Or they should at least.

If I remember correctly, that Far Cry 4 one for PS4 isn’t actually a demo, even though that’s what it’s labeled as. I think you have to download that so that you can play with a friend. Remember they had that feature where you can invite a friend to play with you, even if they don’t have the game? I’m pretty sure

They actually got the OK from Nintendo to use Mario in the first movie, but they said something along the lines of “We couldn’t figure out how to properly use him” which is really weird, since as just a cameo it doesn’t seem that hard. He could’ve been in Sonic’s role as the character who explains the rules of game

The thing about Mafia 2's open world was, and apologies if I’m wrong as I haven’t played it in years, was that you were never actually “free” to explore it. If you wanted to explore it, you had to just ignore your current mission that you were on, whereas in GTA, you'd always be free to do whatever, but your mission

I’m super excited to see my name in Yooka-Laylee’s credits next year, but I fear I'm gonna have to wait in a fashion like this game to actually see it. Takes the fun out of it.

I can somewhat understand why people enjoy this, I mean it is calming. But I absolutely cannot understand “mouth noises” like lips smacking and that stuff. Actually grosses me out. But good on those who enjoy it.

What if I don't want to use TouchID or a passcode to unlock my phone?

So are a lot of publishers and developers’ Twitter avatars.

Do actors also get a cut of theater ticket sales or is that just completely dependent on their contracts?

I think it's fair to stay optimistic about this one. Not sure if it's just PR-speak, but in their backer email that I read this morning, they said they COULD ship in October of this year like originally planned, but they wanna add more polish to make it better. I trust these guys way more than anyone should trust

I absolutely have been loving this MP. A friend and I are playing every chance we get. I’ve been a fan since Uncharted 2 introduced MP to the series and I definitely feel like this one is the best of them all.

Wolves fan here as well. I think you're being too harsh! It's a super young team, and I have no doubt that in 2 or 3 years they'll be competing at a high level in the west.

Uncharted 4 has really been the only game this year I’ve really enjoyed. Firewatch was meh to me, SFV did nothing for me, and other than that... Well those might be the only actual 2016 game I’ve played this year haha