
Be happy you're a man. Women get the much rougher end of the stick when it comes to aging.

The in-between phase sucks because it just looks like you're getting old. However, if you get to the point where you can rock the salt & pepper look, or pure grey; you'll have the women swooning. Think George Clooney, Anderson Cooper, the dude from Mad Men. All panty droppers.

That's marriage pattern baldness sir. The only remedy comes from a lawyer and fresh faced bimbos.

Meh, this study doesn't seem very well grounded. As a firearm owner myself though, I am shocked how easy it is to obtain one in most states. I really believe people should need a license to own and carry, both of which should include a psychological evaluation.

Regular exercise will also keep you looking younger for longer. When I was a gym rat, I met a lot of older folks in their 60's who didn't look a day over 45. Met a GILF in her 50's that looked 30.... I was shocked.

Exercise dammit. You'll feel better about yourself, have more sex, and can eat whatever you want.

Masterbating works exceptionally well at waking you up while driving. Just don't finish. I'm dead serious.

I'm sorry, but this a poorly informed and misleading article. You briefly glance over the fact that it's not Amazon setting the list price, yet don't go further into detail. Seems like more reactionary reporting than anything... I expect better from Gizmodo. Was this written to fill a quota?

I've never tried cumin on lamb. What's your recipe for it?

This is awesome. Now I have another good excuse to make some lamb tonight. Rosemary, thyme, olive oil, salt and pepper... all you need for lamb super deliciousness.

RIP Leslie Nielson..

Magnum's are a little wider too. Magnum XL's even bigger still. I personally use heavy duty Hefty bags. Cheaper, comes in rolls, and just snug enough. :)

I think the designer is a Constructicons fan. Love the green and purple.

I'm only amazed by the giant cork. It's probably the biggest cork I've ever seen. Somewhere a giant wine bottle is being drank.

Body armor doesn't have to be thick at all. I don't know about this pic, but Class 2 and 2a body armor is quite thin, very concealable, and will hold up to most common pistol rounds. Judging from the pic, he could even be wearing a class 3a, which is a lot thicker and jumps up another level of protection.

Actually, in a lot of cases it's ridiculously easy to get a firearm. In VA I can go to any store and walk out with a rifle or shotgun with no hassle. Handguns only need a 10 min background check, and have a limit of 1 every 30 days. That's about it. No classes, no mandatory training, or licensing. Hell, they

Probably just lots bruising. Don't know what class vest he's wearing, but they're all tested and rated from point black distance. Bullet won't puncture, but that force still has to travel and his body is absorbing the pressure to make it stop.

Agreed on lack of features, but I've been noticing a lot of new content for instant stream the past couple months. I think the winner of the stream battle will come down to licensing more than features. Not that user experience isn't important (it's critical), but for now the studios seem to be the biggest road block

Isn't novelty 50 cal ammo available at gun shows for about $3? Maybe more, I could be mistaken, but from there it's a few minutes with a dremel cutting wheel and deburring. If they're getting buyers more power to them, I just think $10-15 is a better price point.