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Counterpoint: Max McGee always found hangovers to be performance enhancing...

It really ties the room together...

Krzyzewski deserves a good tripping for that shit he pulled with Dillon Brooks...

I’m not a Democrat. But if your party doesn’t want to join the Whigs on the dustbin of history, it’d be wise to go beyond the echo chamber and court independent voters with candidates they actually can get behind. What you have now is the confirmation bias of an increasingly fringe group of party loyalists.


* in mostly closed primaries

I know charts are hard to read and all, but the X-axis clearly shows the chart going back to 1962... oh, and since you have such a hard time reading charts, the X-axis is the horizontal line measuring time in the graph.

Answer: Republicans and Democrats

If we’re splitting hairs, it is actually 1/6th, not 1/12th... or, if you really want to be accurate, 1/4 of voting-age Americans.

(No, I was not one of that 1/4. Just a stickler for correct numbers.)

“I of course blame myself for absolutely none of this...”

Yep, that’s the textbook Democrat line right there. I knew I’d find it somewhere in the article.

So much for that “When they aim low, we go high” farce... let the standard-fare scapegoating commence from the DNC!

What you are grappling with is the question, “What constitutes national identity?” I’m doing graduate research on the impact of foreign-born players participating for World Cup teams that has occurred from the outset, so this is a subject near and dear to me.

Sound Dykstra-level logic there, but can you back up your hyperbole with anything substantive? Strong statistic, but your claim lacks any corroboration. I get the feeling you didn’t do any research at all but instead are trying to project your racist pap in pseudo-intelligent form.

When was Deadspin ever JUST a sports site?

But was it a vile vial?

The only reason to wear a watch is if you’re wearing a pocket watch with your three-piece suit... wristwatches are for hacks.

So you can put a price on your dignity and only give a shit about the Benjamins... congrats, spoken like a true teenager.

Voyeurism requires you to be there actually playing the gawker... given that this story is a secondhand account about the New York Giants quarterback, and admittedly so, you might want to find a different word to use in your whining. By nature this anecdote cannot be voyeurism, amigo...

Todd and Chris had some eerily similar thoughts... which one is Melania and which is Michelle?

Fucking Anslinger.