
shit... i didn't even have cable and somehow I ended up watching Nickelodeon!

Fine the shit out of those bastards. If you have a dog, clean up after it! As much as I dislike HOAs and the like, I hate LAZY BASTARDS even more.

Agreed. Racism is racism whomever it targets.

jailbroken iOS is most def. the way to go.

@FuzzyMeepTWO: exactly. These asshats have no idea what the fuck is going on in Arizona and how dangerous it is especially for BP and their families. This was careless and stupid, and I sincerely hope they get convicted for this.

@DeltaDAWG: yes! I use my college ring to open bottles.

@PixelSnader: hell, you can use the keyring itself. Or a key...

and if you're storing pictures of naked women other than your significant other (assuming they were taken from the phone and not just pr0n) then you have much bigger problems. I mean, c'mon. You're just asking for trouble you unfaithful dumbass. lol people these days.

I tend to not call people assholes on the basis of 1 sentence cited as an example.

you are legally within your rights... just as your quoted text points out... but you can still be sued civilly. in any state. regardless of the legality of protecting your property through any means necessary.

nope. even though the law protects you criminally, asshole families are still free to sue civilly. and that shit can get expensive.

what sucks about that, is that the asshole thief's family can turn around and sue you civilly for lost wages, emotional anguish, etc. Even when you are completely within your legal rights to defend your castle.

NASA does have its own specialized hardware and software. It's also pretty old. Also, Odyssey isn't doing this for NASA's spacecraft, but its own. If the sensors are accurate/reliable enough, then it would be potentially quite a bit cheaper to slap 3 or 4 phones on a craft rather than forking out for EXPENSIVE

very true... I'm glad he was able to make at least that much though. especially after getting rejected from the app store.

@wffjr3782: I wouldn't say he was trying to make a living... I'd say he made a pretty comfortable one. Half a million! nice.

but that data is waaaaay cheaper than the sms plan charges

damn. I suppose you're right. excellent point, sir!

Amerika bomber.

I would hate to have this on my desktop (current configuration, anyway) but it would be pretty neat to see in a tablet... or on the tv w/ kinect functionality!