
Assuming all things go well getting this up into the air, landings going to be a b*tch. 'Specially with the broke tire and plow thing hanging down in the front...

For those who cry out against #3.


@RsK: yeah, it's the least they could do. PCs are way cheaper than macs.

@Niteman cometh: thanks. I need to wipe the coke of my monitor now... and explain to my coworkers what the hell just happened.

I've been looking to make the move to industrial flight simulators... this just made my day.

wow, those were horrendous. I mean, they sounded nice from an audio perspective, but I'd never use them as an sms alert! Waaaaaaaay too long. Nobody needs a 15 second alarm telling them they have a 2-second-to-read sms. Tri-tone ftw. Give ppl the chance to make/get custom sms tones w/o jailbreaking.

@Xerloq, we are all made of stars.: I love the thick stuff too; I have an uncle that cuts it fresh for me. If only one side gets hot, it shrinks while the other stays the same, causing the bacon to curl. It's probably not a problem with thin bacon, but for the good stuff, cooked in greasy grease, flippings the way to

@EggHash: I second your notion.

I flip bacon often to keep it from curling up...

@Salacion: sounds good... only need to change a few things regarding working out; I do 3 sets of 12 now, and spend an hour 3x a week. That with 45-60 min of cardio 5x a week. (Just started that a couple of weeks ago)

@Salacion: yes, please explain... I have about 16lbs to go to my goal. They are being some stubborn little bastards.

@wutzu: very true.

VOTE: Alcohol 120%

@versatilias: I'm not repeating what you said. my first statement was agreeing with the fact that you do not, in fact, get to purchase insurance after an accident. They didn't want to just pay $75. (the agreed equivalence of insurance) They wanted to pay whatever it would take. Hence the analogy of "paying out the

@versatilias: no, you dont get insurance after the accident. You pay out the ass to get your car fixed. Or you buy a new car.

@jedimaster: yeah, that's right.... *hand slapping face*

@mrwumasta: I live in a rural community. We have a VFD. All of our firefighters risk their lives for free. Absolutely free. Part of our land tax goes toward funding the operations, but if someone doesn't pay their taxes, it doesn't mean their 911 calls will go unanswered.

@A3rd.Zero: Just the fact that they were there. Watching it. Firefighters offer a service. They help others. Sure, if no-one pays, they cant do that. But if there's a house burning, they can get whatever money they need/want after the fact. Charge them a premium for being dumbasses and save their shit. Of course,

@perry05: I guess I'm looking at it more from an insurance point of view. If you're in a car accident, the ER docs will fix you up first, then figure out how you'll pay (or how your insurance will pay). Sure, losing your house and all your shit would suck- it would probably suck less than losing your life or a limb