I Love Big TDs

Just wait for the GOTY edition you know you want anyways. let us console users beta test it and then buy it in 6 months.

I agree that it sucks, but if you don’t vote with your wallet, nothing will change.

The problem is Epic’s software is spyware and also ass. There’s no fucking shopping cart yet.

Also, it turns out the reason Steam charges more is that they accept keys for store sales they get no money from.

Epic’s store is trash that snoops around your computer. Their product sucks, so they are throwing cash around

Oh, yes!!!! I no longer trust him.

Casey Hudson is completely full of shit?! Shocking.

I’ve come to recognize certain names that are pushed in marketing and stay away from their projects: Casey Hudson, Jade Raymond, Cliff Bleszinski. I’m sure there are more slipping my mind.

On the plus side, matchmaking is robust and most people I’ve met are silent or super chill.

Bullshit. I have gone to lots of Dodgers games over the last 6 years with a group of kids aged 7-18 and it’s a very friendly environment. There are exceptions but I don’t even remember the last time I saw anything happen..maybe 4 years ago, but guards had the guy within seconds.

Back a decade ago> sure, those were dark

It sounds like he was literally randomly attacked. He was on his phone and trying to find his wife, not walking around titty-fucking random women.

She’s right.

Her name is Danielle Bregoli. Don’t...just don’t use that awful moniker, especially when she’ll be gone in 3 min.


What From is doing is genius. They have a formula, but they keep switching things up to keep it fresh. It doesn’t hurt that the game is gorgeous.

The Division 2 does have some great moments but the story...does it exist?

Was just gonna say this. One of my favorite strats is to be up on the ship’s cannon and pop it.

Just make them all keep moving, maybe even shoot blanks. It’s such a simple fix that already is in the game.

Oh what, they ripped of Apex Legends so HARD!

Naw, she's always been a cunt. Before the prophecy, before kids, etc. She's always been the worst. 

But the 2nd amendment!

Somehow, I missed that Deadspin scored such a coup. Fucking Ray Ratto?!?! THAT’S HUGE!!!

Then I saw the sidebar and several other articles I LOVED recently were him. This was a dynamite article that really laid everything bare. Thank you!

How is your last name pronounced?

Sorry, I loved your review. It pushed me from ‘wait for a sale’ to ‘BUY NOW’, but I got to the end and I was pleasantly surprised to see a new writer.

Is it like ‘duh-GRAFFen-reed’?

I don’t think anybody objects to artists making money. But since corporations write rules by paying politicians, we have a mess of IP law.

My quick fix is make IP last for the life of the author, or from date of creation +20 years, whichever is shorter. The crux is not allowing these rights to pass to be transferable.

Funny because when everybody was begging for this back in December, they said it wouldn’t be possible to remove Specialist abilities.

While marketing is often overrated, how about they can the execs that thought launching Anthem now instead of when it’s ready?