I Love Big TDs

No, you are not allowed to trespass to get your child. Trust me, I have custody and have had to go get the sheriff before.

Are you for real?

It’s not nearly as good or polished as Blackout. That’s an outlandish statement. The connectivity issues alone are a huge problem.

It’s new and free, and has been getting tons of free marketing.

But the grind is ridiculous. I have played 10+ hours, am level 12 and don’t have enough of any type of

It won’t. It’s a shame, because I think there’s a lot of good ideas.

The map is brutally bad. It looks like what the rumors say: these were going to be Titanfall 3 maps that were slapped together last sec to meet EA’s financial needs.

LMAO, no. Maybe your cat is hostile because of your bad opinions on canned tomatoes?

Thank god I can have my tits hanging out while fighting because I don’t think I’d be able to fight properly without looking sexy.

You’d be surprised how much people and kids will spend. I’m 40 and every parent I know is sick of being harangued for money for Fortnight, but they all pay.

Also, the grind sucks. 12k of their second type of madeup currency takes a long fucking time. I have around 6 hours in and I’m not even halfway.


48 people starred this. Well, 47 other people.

I can’t seem to aim or maintain aim on anything with more than a 1.5x scope. I put a 3x on the slow firing LMG and the second round was aimed somewhere in the vicinity of Asgard.

Mildly off topic, but with EA losing half its value in the last 6 months or so, this game being pushed out instead of Titanfall 3 (I am led to believe this was going to be Titanfall 3 but with BFV crashing and burning, and no BR game, Respawn was put on the task to shore up the financials), and Anthem about to bomb by

Nobody gives a shit about Nintendo’s false arguments. 

So if you cough or sneeze you don’t spray mucus and phlegm all over. Is this a serious question or are you high and unable to process? No judgement, I am about to toke up on a lunch break.

Plain ass unsweetened grapefruit juice is hideous. Even my grandma, who grew up in The Great Depression would sweeten her grapefruit products with brown sugar.

I like it as a mixer with other juices or the San Pellegrino grapefruit flavor.

As for the game, it’s fun but the mobility is terrible. SO many times climbing

Wow, completely nailed everything about the look and feel. I hope the new Petyr is still named something innocuous like ‘Petyr’.

How about not a white dude because he’s attractive?

Jesus Christ the argument and response here are the exact same I have with the family I still talk to. And I fucking voted for Hillary! 

If you ever needed more proof that this is all them waking themselves off, a fucking SotU, a party response AND 2 more? Go fuck yourselves. Nothing Kamala or Bernie will say tonight will do anything. 

My problem with Titanfall 2 mp is they took out/changed a lot of what I liked about TF1 (limited exposure), and what they added I didn’t like.

And I’ll be honest, I didn’t really like the traversal all that much.

I also love the comments that my teammates make are actually useful. ‘Enemy spotted’ brings the heat everytime.

And the banter is catchy.

So wait, this sound like voice chat will be walled off inside each game?

What’s the next plan for Nintendo now that everybody who wanted a Shield has one?

“Hear a voice when danger approaches”
“You gain vision on enemies moving through your gas”