I Love Big TDs

It’s just me and my daughter now, and I make almost 6 figures. I am considered poor where I live.

I spend $400 a month and I bargain shop and use coupons.

He could pass for 55.

That sounds rational.

‘butt naked’ is the phrase.

“There economy”

CBS should send this guy to the Super Bowl, right? I would think he’s now a legend in Pittsburgh and will never have to go to his pocket again at dinner.

Send him there to watch how the big league does it, and produce a video resume. Or just don’t be dicks and give him a job.

Just getting to this. Were we not supposed to realize he was Bullseye? Immediately it was obvious.

+1, we’re done here.

Epic paid for exclusivity.

This is going to be a disaster.

I figured we’d find out pretty quickly what caused the limp.


We all saw the gross doctor coming, right? that was telegraphed pretty early on.

It’s nice that somebody was able to see Billy’s inner beauty since the scars make him look like such a ruggedly handsome pretty boy with a troubled past that can be unlocked by just the right sensitive soul...what was i saying?

White women. Did you not know they used to literally kill people who weren’t lily white? And by used to, I mean like the 70s/80s, when I was young.

And young. We’re still having to deal with Jon Benet. Name one of R. Kelly’s victims without Googling. I’ll wait.

This is a good point and Joe Rogan brings it up in his new Netflix special too. He says he knows he’s sexist because if anybody did what these guys did to boys to little girls, entire towns would have overrun their estates, churches, etc and literally murdered these people in the worst of ways.

But he says when he saw

This is what we’ve been saying since this all came out and the legions of sycophants seems to not have shrunk.

He made Thriller.

The team from LA that was returned home after being stolen by SL, who got a Super Bowl out of the deal?

Get fucked.

Nobody cares about what you think anymore after you outed yourself as a fucking idiot. Bye, Felicia.

It’s not even that they aren’t white. She has no problem doing this to white kids too.

It’s that they personally don’t provide any other perceived value. It’s the GOP ethos: exploit everything for personal enrichment at all costs.

These kids can’t provide any other value to her (in her/GOP mind) so it’s ok to demonize