You ever notice how all the best foods are dick shaped?
You ever notice how all the best foods are dick shaped?
I disagree that the tweet is transphobic.
How about this: we both agree to let bygones be bygones and start again?
Absolute chore of an origin featuring all the worst tropes, stupid plot, hideous acting outside of Gadot, I’m going to criticize the acting again because it’s really hammy bad outside of Gadot, and even she is given some really cringy lines.
It’s no better than Justice League, BvS, etc. They completely lucked into…
No. WW is a bad movie. Stop grading on a curve.
Quiet, you! Some people have been fans since before ‘12....
Also, hope you have adblock because now Prime members are getting ads.
I can’t wait to get out of college so I can ditch Prime. Everything about it has gotten worse over the last 18 months, including customer support.
Also, hope you have adblock because now Prime members are getting ads.
I can’t wait to get out of college so I can…
I’d argue that his actions and constant whining prove Trump is the least powerful/most impotent cyberbully ever.
VAR? What is it good for?
I’ll believe the Athletic actually exists when I see my white peers share its articles on Facebook.
+1, an honor to read
There's an old proverb: A Russian will lie to you even when it's in their best interest to be truthful.
Dread it. Run from it.
Destiny still arrives.
You wouldn’t do shit, Donnie from Dundalk. Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.
Who the fuck is Keith?
I hope they paid Keifer scale, because getting a name actor for that part was wasteful.
It really burns me up as a former employee of Konami how horribly mismanaged every aspect of the business is.
Why are we playing this game? It’s obviously to work on his mental health and/or sobriety and you fucking know it, Chris.
The paid expansions will definitely be weird. I think they’ve handled this perfectly by giving us so much free content that people are ready to throw their money at them.
Hopefully that will bring some quality of life improvements such as a framerate cap on console and improved performance on PC.
My main question is are they back to zones, because I hated that. That was the barrier to me.
This article is confusing as fuck to follow and poorly written. WHat is the issue? Other people say she’s never harassed them so this time it didn’t happen?
Isn’t this a reverse Bill Clinton sitch? She had all the power so no, it wasn’t a consensual relationship.