Somebody needs to find both those protesters and take em out for a nice meal to thank them.
Balance 1 time. If it takes more than that, abandon the character.
PS: This goes for R6S too since it’s been infected with this same constant tinkering push.
Tachanka in almost no way resembles the same character he was at launch. Yet with all the money they’ve thrown at him, he’s still trash.
I was just talking with a friend about this. She’s still paying for WoW even though she admits the gameplay is stale and kinda boring, but she loved her guild who she has been with for 13 years. And I told her I like the idea of WoW more than the execution.
She purposely let Tiger Woods touch her, even without his tooth in.
“Hard Pass.” -Tom Savage
Ok, lets see this alleged sister.
You real botched the “The Browns would kill for these guys”line.
That’s what sold me.
I have an interesting story about what Brooke Mueller was doing last weekend, with pics, but I am not allowed to share them.
Lets just say she needs that support for all the meth and hookers.
Shut the fuck up.
Because you hate fun?
So John, you don’t think there may be another answer?
Let he who has never covered up a little light-medium spousal abuse and stalking cast the first stone...ok you can all stop. He ded.
I want one, but the price point is fucking absurd.
And honestly, buying Nintendo’s initial prototype mobile devices is never wise. We know they’re going to upgrade soon to a full 1080 screen driven by Tegra 2.
I’m being asked to believe that an air crew is homophobic?
SO it really seems like Switch’s target audience is rapidly becoming saturated.
So far from being a runaway smash hit that crosses boundaries, Nintendo fans went apeshit for the Switch and now its sales are screeching to a halt?
Well, at least Nintendo sold a few more Switches than Wii U.
LMAO, bye Felicia.
It’s a reference to the ball gag in the movie and a Willis slam referencing a huge cultural moment.