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    Thank you, this is exactly what I’ve been saying for a month. We lost by TKO, there was no landslide, it was a bean counter win helped by Comey and the Russians. Could Clinton work with a fully stacked against her congress, I don’t know, but it would be a fuck of a lot better than whats coming down the pipes. In terms

    The Debbie Reynolds/Carrie Fisher Funeral brought to you with limited interruptions by Prozac™

    Avoid mirrors, I just hope my wife or daughter tells me I missed a spot shaving my head or my collar is messed up before I leave for work...

    They were just thinking about job security. The Putin administration has a place for both of them, stuffed and mounted in the KGB museum in Saint Petersburg, I hear it has a lovely view of the Neva...

    Look, the guy was elected President, not Precedent...

    I think the answer here is, “why wasn’t I cast in your OKJA thing you freaking eyebrow less...”

    Duh, its just a glitch in the Matrix, ask Elon Musk....

    The very, and I mean very best part of US neo morons is that real followers of AH, from the Fatherland, might allow these mutts to help out as they took over, but once the campaign was over they all would have been lined up against a wall........ hahahahaha mutts.....

    She looks like a Homestuck personage my daughter cosplayed last fall, just missing the horns...?

    just like Bush and Gore were exactly the same, right?

    Its kind of right, we lost this election because my party was trying to have a meaningful dialog with the electorate the R’s were running a Madison Avenue ad campaign built on fear and pandering to every group imaginable. We need to build a bigger fucking tent where even people who don’t like each other or agree can

    The silver lining, that having the house, senate, and president all R’s won’t make anyone but the top .001%’s life any better so we’ll have enough “I told you so’s” to go around...

    They could look upon Lego as what directions not to go. They’ve done some things similar to how Tetris, Angry Birds, Pac Man, and have dealt with these issues by selling masks and textures from other games and giving it a Story Mode. I think the closest relative is Little Big Planet who haven’t been able to get past

    Is T-dog doing his own version of Altamont and having some sort of cycle group running security?

    I’ve always prefered Scotts 1,000 sheet and since I installed my toilet seat bidet I haven’t purchased anything else. With the bidet its more for drying than cleaning and the 1,000 sheet roll seems to last forever.

    I’ve always prefered Scotts 1,000 sheet and since I installed my toilet seat bidet I haven’t purchased anything

    I would argue as an ex catholic the Roman empire lives. It might have had a few weak points in the timeline the sun still does not set on the Roman empire. And the disease they spread, Bureaucracy, is still working its way throughout the world. Of all the advancements one empire spreads to the next group of hapless

    Rob is a little to ripe for Martha...

    Kittens having kittens...

    Like when you point to something and your dog looks at your finger...

    And the big diff between us..... immigrants