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    Taking “Swing” state literally?

    See it works out well after the six years of slavery, if your son wants her anyway.

    Plus the old adage, You get what you pay for, comes to mind. If you are going to pay the least and expect the best then you need some kind of social engineering like with the USMC or the Top Gun guys to get them to want to be exceptional. Until then its Security Theatre: Amateur Porno Stylee.

    Morrow has really gone downhill since Northern Exposure, really.

    I know, thats what I thought as well, but he explained that if they have a day to rest they will last much longer than 2x, but like I said, I can never find two pairs of high quality shoes that feel good at the same time. If only more wealthy men with size 13's died and their widows donated the shoes. I’ve gotten some

    I know, thats what I thought as well, but he explained that if they have a day to rest they will last much longer

    I walk 1 1/2 miles a day to work and they lasted about a year for me as well. My boss keeps telling me to give your shoes a day off every other day and they’ll last longer. I never have 2 pairs of shoes I really like wearing at the same time to test it out.

    I walk 1 1/2 miles a day to work and they lasted about a year for me as well. My boss keeps telling me to give your

    Are you one of those hot black psychopaths? When I was in my 20's a friend of mine taught me about coffee, it’s almost free and if you add a bunch of milk and sugar it’s kind of like candy. To me truer words were never spoken.

    Freud is kind of different though. The things he named were considered problems with your aqueous humours and chronic sinning. So by naming them he started to define them. It is almost impossible for us to imagine what the world was like before that. We were just past blood letting and fully into phrenology.

    I liked him better in The Road to Wellville, and the horrific actions seem much more humourous.

    Now playing

    And then it’s time for a Homeopathic Lager to wash down all the sexual ennui...

    I’m just imagining her with an artisan crafted brown rice and recycled upcycled uprecycled cruelty free farm raised free range ivory dildo....... am I wrong?

    This is why most celebrities have the good sense to live in gated communities and vacation in Whogivesafuckistan, where the 99% know to avert their gaze from the upper class, if they want to live with eyes anyway.

    I can not understand the love they have for cords of all kinds, maybe similar to rats/mice tails? IDK but if they liked cables and chili I’d have to start pissing on everything. We know who belongs to are base....

    I can not understand the love they have for cords of all kinds, maybe similar to rats/mice tails? IDK but if they

    I bought one of those Anker ipad cables and after about a month my cat chewed through it, I wrote a review giving it four stars and it was not impervious to felines. Anker wrote me and said that this was covered under warrantee and sent me a new one, amazing, really, amazing. I started spraying the cords lightly with

    I bought one of those Anker ipad cables and after about a month my cat chewed through it, I wrote a review giving it

    Don’t they try minors as adults all the time in Florida?

    Was Sunny Jo at a garage sale one day and found an old copy of Photoshop and a book on niche marketing and it was just commercial kismet or was this some kind of career path with subsequent viral marketing plan...

    There’s a Fallout 4?

    Did the media create Donald Trump?

    Are you my wife? She comes from a very liberal city and most of her Facebook friends are in the bag for Sanders. So its hard for her to say that she supports both without having to write a five page defense against the smear campaign started by the RNC 20 years ago.

    Its called Sanders Confirmation Bias. Anything even possibly negative about HRC becomes a positive for BS. I saw a woman on facebook defend the disenfranchisment of African American voters in Florida as a positive because “They would probably vote for Hillary anyway”, drunk on the RNC’s anti Clinton koolaid.