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    Could you have shot the nuke midair and lived?

    The bad news? UPS is the best of the bunch. I work for a high end art gallery and we ship +$10,000 pieces of art on a regular basis and as long as its not going to Florida UPS is the only company that will actually pay the insurance claim. Two other things, if you ship 3 day and it gets to the location in 2, its

    Mrs. Idusuyi was at the rally.... I’m sure she’s heard his policies... and then she tried to sit in the VIP section just to check it out? It seems like bs to me, this was planned.

    Do you think many undecided voters will stand in line for an hour plus just for a chance to change their mind and start reading before the candidate even starts talking? This has a kind of BS quality to me.

    I know this is sort of OT but I thought you might know. If the last gen PS3 could power supercomputers, what have they done wrong with this gen?

    Exactly... I was just looking for a way to play the new Fallout game with decent graphics without having to buy a new console. If I’m going to need a $328 graphics card I might as well just get a PS4.

    No way, Darth Dick Cheney is being moved from one secure undisclosed location to another to properly monitor the situation on planet earth before the next big meeting of the galactic senate.

    Still too disappointed that I’ll have to either upgrade my pc or buy a new console to really think about #4, but I have a question. After playing a bunch of 3 or New Vegas did any of you get excited when you saw a mailbox or something IRL that might contain something good, only to remember that reality has no such

    To Mama Boogey, You son is in totally esteemed company, he could grow up to be prime minister or Italy or something. I had a close friend in High School who was of that persuasion, he’s from a lower middle class large Irish family and all his brothers and sister graduated from Ivy League or better, he was a national

    OK, I know it was an old comment. Anyway, I have a cousin who live in Singapor and his husband is a local. They told my 14 year old about Durian and since they she’s been after me to find some here in central nowheres, I finally found some durian candy last week. OMFG, I can’t even open the bag without almost

    Like if you wanted to start making Model T’s tomorrow. We know exactly how it was done, but how far does that get you.

    Very similar to what happened with the Space Shuttle. Like jumping out of your car in the middle of a cross country drive hoping a new one will materialize in time, so your ass doesnt hit the ground.

    I think that was a joke in Playboy in the 60’s “our unabashed dictionary defines Goosing a hooker as: Shoplifting”

    That’s not Heidi Fleiss? Oooooo Damn google, Heidi’s partnership with Dennis Hoff has not aged her well.

    Being a kid with any kind of different parents can be a problem, but being the child of the two mommies who sued because you were a faulty product... not only will you always have doubts, but everyone who can google will have ammuntion to taunt you with.

    OK, this might not mean anything to most of you but I finally reached critical mass. My republican semi racist 85 year old stepfather said “What is wrong with police today, they keep killing these black kids”, that is a turning point, at least in my family. Just 60 or so million to go.

    Somebody else probably said this but, what if other people had died so only three seats were needed for reentry, and what if the Cosmonauts were still on the damaged Russian return craft dead..... just saying.

    I don’t see why hunting and conservation is so mutually exclusive to you. If you thing hunting is the biggest threat to wildlife you really don’t understand what is going on. The elimination of habitat is responsable for more animal destruction than hunters could ever imagine. Sure in the 19th century train loads of

    OK, Devils Advocate, really... not troll. What if she had gone through Colorado (I know, but bear with me) and picked up some legal marijuana edible. While driving in Texas she got paranoid and keestered her remaining stash, now in jail she removes from it from her backside and consumes it, it being much stronger than

    My wife will “allow” me to rub her feet for hours, literally, while watching multiple episodes of whatever we’ve foucused Netflix on but if I had the gaul to accidentally make her see my bare feet, you’d think I’d crapped in her cornflakes....... and you?