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    Does this relate to "Put the lime in the coconut" in any way more than crap techniques to get high thing?

    I listened to Snowcrash during a drive my wife. Over a couple of days the author took us on a real journey, although some parts seemed out of place. We were shocked to discover that it was 20 years old. He really nailed some aspects of tech while creating a totally inhabitable world. Coming to it cold with no

    I would love to see them take on Rita Repulsa.

    In Russia, Doorknob hoaxes you.

    Time flattened our faces but, left the extra teeth.

    In the Soviet Union when you were invited to someone home an excellent gift was an onion wrapped in toilet paper, maybe they're down to paper towels, that's why you can't flush?

    In the Soviet Union when you were invited to someone home an excellent gift was an onion wrapped in toilet paper, maybe they're down to paper towels, that's why you can't flush.

    I was scanning through the article and thought it said, indeterminate amount, so either "Сочи bukkakke партию" the film or, Сочи bukkakke свингеров партию в номере 303. Is it just me?

    Since I'm using it for family mostly, I just use the same account on all of the computers. I dont know how difficult it is for enterprise users. For someone who gets calls from family on a weekly basis its unbelievable.

    Team Viewer is the greatest program ever created, no hyperbole. It took me a couple of hours, including driving time to install it on my boss's, parent's, wife's, daughter's computers, both pc and Mac varieties, and it has saved me days of frustration, name calling and histrionics. No longer do I have the half hour


    So whats the downside?

    Have you ever tried to use a moldy or wormed out old book, they are disgusting and the pages stick together worse than a 20 year old porn stash. Some things are just beyond repair. At least these get a second life.

    Look dude, the f'n Galactica was just about to be decommissioned and made into a museum and that worked out pretty well, didn't it? As long as we still have some Adama's in the service and a couple of these bad boys we'll be A OK.

    I'm in central IA and I'm still seeing what are locally known as Sugar Ants. They've left the kitchen but I've seen one or two in the bathroom. Its more centrally located and above the furnace. TMI I know, any one need the square footage or details about the basement can ask.

    This was done on a muddy field and these images are from Google Earth. It covers 3/4 of the California mud lands. It will grow and create erosion free grasslands.

    I think this forum exists in a mirror universe, Teh and Pron have not happened and no one has a goatee.

    I have a problem with Seagate drives failing. Its gotten so bad I had to stop buying them. Also once I figured out that WD black had a really good replacement policy it was no contest. I've sent them a drive that was 4 3/4 years old and gotten a "new" drive back. Is it me?

    I always par boil ribs adding salt, cayenne, and white pepper to the water. Think I'll add some chicken to the pot and see what happens.

    Sounds good! White pepper is one of those secret ingredient things, completely different kind of heat. I do all the cooking and my wife threw out the garlic powder because of something she read once. How do you do a dry rub with fresh garlic?